Chapter 2

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Tuesday morning, I got up early considering how it is still technically summer break, and helped my parents out by working some horses before going back up to the house where I started getting my things ready for tomorrow

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Tuesday morning, I got up early considering how it is still technically summer break, and helped my parents out by working some horses before going back up to the house where I started getting my things ready for tomorrow.

I spent the rest of Sunday with Lucas watching movies and playing some video games, of course making out during both was an added bonus. I stayed for dinner with his parents and Tyler before going home soon afterward, in his Jurassic Park shirt since I had nothing else to wear. I went shopping with the girls for the majority of the day yesterday while Lucas spent his day with the team for their double practice. I didn't find anything I felt like I needed to purchase, but I still had a fun time hanging out with my friends one last time before school starts tomorrow.

Lucas is still planning on coming over after his doubles today, but I've given him the pass on not doing so because I know he'll be exhausted. He's told me repeatedly the past couple of days he doesn't plan on doing anything after his practice but spending whatever little bit of our summer we have left together. He seems to be just as upset as I am that our time together got taken away and since we're one of those couples who thrive off of being around one another, we don't like to go long between seeing each other physically.

I don't know why, but the past couple days, even though I was hanging out with my friends yesterday, I have not been able to shake the feeling Lucas and I will constantly be having to juggle our schedules to see each other with school starting up again and I've been struggling with my feelings about it.

After Sunday's little bomb about the doubles for yesterday and today, I guess I am starting to feel worried we won't be able to handle the time apart, we strive on being around one another. There's also a part of me deep down that worries I won't be enough for him. Lucas is popular at school being the star football player he is, and I couldn't be prouder of his talent, but he's in a spotlight on campus and I'm not okay having random eyes on me all day long, which we've talked about. The two of us got together at the end of the year, so we haven't been through a football season together, not to mention the traveling for horse races I'm sure I'll have to do, now more than ever since I l have a boyfriend and we can both drive.

It was one of the things we had talked about when it came to us getting together, which is when Lucas told me he's not thrilled with the spotlight on him 24/7 either. On the field, he thrives in it, but off the field, he enjoys having his space and just being himself, something that doesn't allow him.

I have a feeling the prying eyes from the fellow students on campus will be a major topic of discussion we'll be having the entire time we're together, at least for the near future. It probably doesn't help how we both of our most recent exes will be roaming the same halls as us.

They've both been radio silent this summer, something that concerns me as much as it relieves me. Nichole had been bound and determined to get in-between Lucas and I in hopes that they would get back together while Jesse only seemed to want to stir shit up.

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