Chapter 7

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"Damn," I gasp as Lucas turns his truck off of the main road onto the lone road of Nichole's expansive property

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"Damn," I gasp as Lucas turns his truck off of the main road onto the lone road of Nichole's expansive property. "This is not what I expected," I add when he points his truck through the gates leading to the white paneled two story southern traditional estate house with a large stone paved front porch led to by stone paved stairs and large pillars accenting the porch with multiple dormer windows accenting the house's pitched roof. "Nichole actually lives here?"

"Yeah," he sighs. It looks small from here, but," he continues, driving past the front of the house to go down along the side of it, only to reveal the garage area that has some stalls attached to the house while four more stalls are detached across the attached bay.

"Holy shit! How big is this place?" I ask while he parks his truck amongst the multiple other vehicles.

"It's ten acres and an almost twenty-square-foot house."

"Jesus Christ!" I gasp, glancing over to find him looking around at the property through the front windshield. "How many times have you been here?"

"More than enough. We were here more than mine."

"In general, or just know."

"In general. I didn't want to be at home much anyway at the time."

"Oh, okay."

"Hey, that's all in the past. I'm not going back there. I got this, we got this," he tells me with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood of this oh so fun conversation.

"Okay, okay," I softly chuckle. "Are you sure you're going to be okay here?"

"I'll be fine babe," he answers. What about you?"

"I'm good as long as I got you," I smile back, leaning over to give him a kiss.

"Good. Now, let's get this over with so we can get the fuck outta here," he replies as he opens up his door to climb out. He walks around the front end of his truck to my side to open my door, helping me out before he links his right hand with my left hand. "We're gonna go around the back," he adds before leading the way through the cars, to which i only nod my head too. 

"Of course, it's three fucking floors," I mumble when we get to the other end of the garage to find a long set of stairs down to the back yard.

The backyard is expansive off of the basement level with a back porch underneath the first-floor balcony, a short walkway leads to three steps down to the rest of the yard where there is a large pool, a hot tub, two pergolas behind the pool overlooking the grass area while there is a large curved section of patio centered between the pergolas. There is a large guest house with an outdoor kitchen and seating area off to the left side of the pool.

The music is blasting and there are people all over the property. People are on the balcony, basement patio playing beer pong by the looks of it. People are in and around the pool and hot tub that is full of glowsticks and floaties, there are groups, by the guest house and out in the grass. The inside of the house is probably overflowing too.

Testing Limits (Shadow Ridge Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now