chapter 11 Lonan

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"Right Mr Smith I'm going now.." Linda came in pulling her coat on.

"Okay. Have a nice weekend"

"You too sir. Remember your dad's present" Linda never fails to not remind me

"I won't..Have nice weekend" I looked up from the pile of work that filled my desk

"You too bye"

"Bye... Linda wait.. " I could tell she didnt want me to ask her anything.

"Linda... I was meant to give you this... here from myself and mr Walsh and other partners!!" Handed was a thin Brown envelope.

She held it in her hands and she smiled.

"I know i don't always show it but your one of the chosen staff.."

"Oh my god.. thank you... thank you" her smile couldn't have got any bigger and her eyes any wider.

"Thank you sir.... I can... what a relief" i watched her burst into tears..I I instantly rose to my feet, grabbed a tissue and gave it to her as I ushered her to a seat, knelt down to side of her as she tried to compose herself.

"Its meant to make you happy...a bonus in fact for all your hard work. That's not gone unnoticed" I insisted

"No sir its fantastic...I can't believe it.."

"Its only a bonus and a pay rise.." I tried not to humililate her anymore that I was doing.

"No sir I..... I can buy my daughter her wheel chair.." she patted her eyes

"Wheel chair?"

"Yes.. my dAughter needs a new one and this will pay it out right... thank you" she hugged me tight, I patted her back before she released me.

"Linda you can ask me for anything... I would have,brought your daughter her wheel chair sooner... I did t know she needed one" I stuttered and states, why hasn't she confided in me

"I didnt want to burden you and I didnt want to mix my work life and home life sir..."

"The hospital appointments... for your daughter?"


"Dont take any more your holiday... ill just pay you...just give me notice"

"Oh no sir its fine"

"No Linda I mean it.." her breathing has slowed down as the tears stopped she grinned at me.

"Have a lovely weekend" I stood up

"Thank you" she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Linda I mean it if you need anything just ask me.. No questions asked ill transfer the money." She just nodded and tapped my hand without saying a word then left. My heart felt heavy and all a sudden I felt lonely agAin.

My office phone broke the silence

"Jay..... yes still working..... Yeah yeah I think it was chosen well... huh Alex..... no.. No are you sure?.... Oh....mate look I can't say... I know you are but I promised.... No way we are friends and I'm just helping her....Jay....No if Alex wants to tell you she will.... nah I got loads of work..... Yeah another late one. Alright mate bye bye."

I held my head in my hands when I heard my door open.

"Emma.." I glared at her

"Lonan..I just wondered if you got the post" she strutted towards me

"Post...yes..." I saw the envelope that Linda handed me this morning and it was still in the same place I left it.

" I hear your on the market again" I watched her perch herself on the corner of my desk trying to show some of her thigh.

"Emma... wait"

"I'm single lonan... and so are you"

"Emma... I'm sorry but I'm not interested " I pushed away from my desk, she looked mortified


"No..I'm sorry" she ran off in tears

"Shit" I said out loud thudding my fists down on my desk

"Well well well Lonan .... Emma... " Mr Walsh stood nodding as he approved

"No... it's not like that... what just happened"

"loans.. she's gorgeous why not?"

"Oh man..." I muttered under my breath

"Lonan... stop confusing everything... your single now aren't you... a wealthy single man... enjoy life my boy.. night" he left me sitting at my desk alone.

"Enjoy life... really.." I muttered in disapproval

Staring at the emails I had yet to reply too I grabbed my bag and coat, pushed my iPad and documents in my case then left to go home.... Alex's car wasn't her, maybe her and clare have over run talking. I dumped everything switched the heating on and went out to my gym..

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