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16 years ago
Third person POV
"Alesia just push a bit more." Stephan encourage his wife, "What the fuck do you think I'm fucking doing?!" Alesia shouted gripping Stephan's hand.

"Congratulations Mrs.D'Angelo it's a girl." Both parents were shocked. They haven't had a girl in so many generations.

Alesia grunts in pain "There's another one." The doctor muttered "Another one?! Fuck!" Alesia shouted once again and grabs Stephan hand. His face morphs into pain from the grip.

"It's another girl!" The doctor exclaimed. They both cradle the set of twins. "I'll go get the boys." He said as he walked out the room.

They soon entered "Where's our brother?" Giovanni asked "It's actually sisters." Alesia beamed. The boys were shocked. They knew about the mafia and the generations.

"Wait sisters as in plural?" Roman asked Alesia nodded. They spent hours talking soon everyone left. Alesia took a note and a pen and started writing.

Dear family,
I'm taking the twins because I don't think it's safe for them to be apart of the mafia. Everyone will target them and they are a first girls after many generations. I'm so sorry. I love you all.

Yours truly,

Alesia started packing her stuff and got the twins. She slowly got out through the window and limped to a cab. She told him to drop her off at a shop. She bought clothes for the twins and herself.

Soon she was at the train station on her way to her new life without guns and deaths.

On the other hand the family were sleeping peacefully thinking about the twins and how cute they are.

When they got to the hospital they were devastated. They saw the note and wanted to get them back home.

They searched for years and years they never stopped. All their leads went to a dead end. Slowly they had finally lost hope of seeing them again.

Little did they know the twins were the ones spying on the family. They knew what happened all those years ago.

They couldn't blame their mother but they just wished they could've saw the family once in their life.

They saw how effected the family were. The whole house was eerily quiet. No one has anything to say.

Giovanni being the oldest was soon to take over the mafia. He has been training everyday and learning how to do the paper work.

Lorenzo being the second oldest had developed anger issues and always spends his time at the gym.

Roman locked himself in his room hacking and tracking his baby sisters. He only comes out for food.

Stephan buried himself in work creating allies not wanting to start any war between the mafias.

16 years flew past them in a second. They had talked but barely. They all had heard about The Torturing Shadows and most of them were scared.

In reality they actually had nothing to worry about. The Torturing Shadows were actually on their side.

If only they knew the twins were right under their nose.

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