¢нαρтєя 11

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Nonno's POV
"What are you thinking about, amore?" Isabell, my darling wife asked.

"I wonder what happened to the twins when that cagna took them away. I can already imagine the worst." I said with a sigh. "I'm sure we will know soon." She said rubbing my back.

I give her a smile and kiss her on the lips. "Ewww I do not want to see my grandparents kissing please stop." A voice said.

I turn around and see Sierra and Sienna with a disgusted face. "Well making babies is worst." I said with a sly smirk.

"Yea wait till I have a child." Sienna mumbled under her breath. "You are not having kids." I exclaim. "Yea yea." They both said at the same time.

"Hey remember that kid at the park? The one sticking his bread up his nose because he forgot where his mouth is?" Sierra said to Sienna.

They both burst out laughing. "What?" Isabell said with furrowed eyebrows. "Yea a kid was walking next to his mom and he put the bread up his nose and he took it out then asked his mom where his mouth was." Sierra said in between laughs.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled under my breath. "Language mister." Isabell slap the back of my head. "You know you love me." I said cockily.

"Yes I don't want to see my grandparents flirt so I'm going to leave and you guys continue what your doing. Also are you too old to have sex? You know what I'm just going to leave." Sierra rambled then ran inside.

"Did she just ask if we were too old to have sex?" I said turning to Isabell who has her mouth slightly open in shock. "Well damn." She said raising her eyebrows.

I grab her face "Are we too old to have sex?" I said arching her brow. Immediately her face flush red. Goosebumps appear in her arms. "After so many years I still have the effect on you." I said nuzzling my head into her neck.

"Ew I swear we're going to have a baby uncle." A voice said and another one laughing. I turn to my side and see the twins with their phones out. "Shit!" They both take off running. I rolled my eyes and went to the living room with Isabell.

There was talking and laughter that I never heard for the last 16 years. "No but seriously is there any houses you need to blow up or set on fire?" I heard Sierra said.

"No we will tell you when there is." Stephan said. I walked into the room and everyone quiet down. Sierra and Sienna smirked. They looked between Isabell and I.

"No we did not." I said before they could think any further. "Oh we know. But are you too old to have sex?" Sierra said curiously. Sienna nudged her side. "Just search it in google, dumb fuck." She said taking out her phone.

"Well damn you're aggressive today." Sierra said rubbing her side. "What the fuck?" Lorenzo whispered. "Watch your mouth boy." Isabell said looking at him with a glare.

Sierra and Sienna slowly stand up backing out of the room. "Sit your ass back down." Isabell said not looking at them. They pouted but sat back down.

Suddenly, a phone rang. We looked at the phone that belongs to Stephan. "Yes?" He answered. "Your saying my fucking shipment got stolen?!" He shouted.

"Russians?" He scoff and hang up the phone. "Fucking Russians." He muttered. "What is it?" I said looking at him with an arched brow. "The Russians are seeking for revenge since we killed Dimitri. Now they are starting war." He said rubbing his forehead.

"Does that mean we get to blow something up?" Sienna jumped up from her seat. Her eyes beaming with mischief and excitement. He nodded looking at both of them skeptical.

Sierra took her phone and made a call. "Hey Phoenix?.... Russians are targeting Italians and we need to blow up their warehouses. Can you hack into the cameras?.... Thank you. You're coming with us right?... Goodbye. Love you." She hang up the phone.

We looked at her questioningly. Wordlessly asking who was that. "That's our friend Phoenix. She is a hacker and we three were trios before she moved away. Now she's helping us do this mission like last time." Sienna said in one breath.

"Wait why did you kill Dimitri?" Vincenzo asked "He was our step-father." Sierra said through gritted teeth. The tension in the room became thicker.

Everyone became mad. "Go to the gym if you want to release your anger. Don't take it out on the wall. It did nothing to you." Isabell said pointing to the door.

Everyone separate ways leaving the twins, Isabell and me. "Let's give them sexy time." Sienna said dragging Sierra out.

"Sexy time huh?" I said wiggling my eyebrows. I only let my guard down with Isabell.

She smacked my arm and kissed me on the cheek. I pursed my lips. "I think you kissed the wrong spot. You're suppose to kiss here." I said pointing to my lips.

She rolled her eyes and kissed my lips. I grip her neck. "Don't roll your eyes at me or I'll make a reason for you to roll your eyes at." I said my tone deeper.

Her cheeks flush red. I started kissing her neck. "We're too old for this shit." She mumbled and pushed me away. "Excuse me but we're only 60." I said pretending to be offended.

"Yea too old. I'm leaving." She said walking out the door. I grab her wrist and kissed her again. "If you don't stop, I'll beat you with my wooden spoon or do you prefer my shoe?" She said poking a finger to my chest.

I kept quiet knowing if I said anything I would wake up with a sore ass. "Not fair." I mumbled under my breath and walked away.

Going to the gym, I see the twins punching the bags. "Oh fuck." Sierra threw her hands up when the bag fell. "Your hands aren't wrapped. Neither are yours Sienna." I said. They both shrugged.

"Wrap your hands." I said more slowly. They both sigh and wrapped their hands. They went back to punching.

I observed them. Their stance was perfect, their punches were strong. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why does the form look so familiar. I pulled my phone out of my pocket looking up the underground fights.

Merciless and Chaos have the same form. Right then everything clicked.

They are both the most feared people underground.

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