¢нαρтєя 18

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Hades's POV
I nervously fiddle with my fingers, trying to think of a way to tell the twins that I'm gay. I'm sure they won't mind right?

Sierra had just gotten back from the hospital. Should I wait? "Hey are you okay?" A voice said behind me.

I turn around so quickly. Lorenzo stands there in front of me. Shit this man is so handsome. "Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face.

I open my mouth to say something only for the door opening to cut me off. I turn around again and saw Sierra standing there with a smirk .

"Oh please continue. I want to see you guys kiss." Sierra said wiggling her eyebrows. "I- uh- what?" I stutter over my words.

A warm hand place behind my neck another one on my chin. My lips attached to Lorenzo's soft and warm one.

His lips parted, his teeth bitting on my lips. I open them instantly his tongue went into my mouth.

I open my eyes a little to see Sierra snapping a picture of us then walking away. I close my eyes again, my tongue against him.

He pulled apart, breathing heavily. His eyes were darken with lust. A throat cleared next to us. Our heads snap to the person. Leonardo.

"I just got the picture and I wanted to see it for myself. I also wanted to stop you guys before one of y'all put your dick in each other asses." He said happily but with a grimace at the last.

"Cockblock." Lorenzo muttered. "Actually you know what continue. Just not in the hallway." He said walking away.

"We can continue it later." Lorenzo whispered in my ear. I instantly blush "That we can." I muttered.


I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about earlier.

The door creaked open and Enzo peeked his head out.

"You're really cute. You know, it was so hard not to get a boner when I watched you fight the other day."


His hand slid up my thigh, resting on my dick. "W-what are you doing?"

"I thought I said we'd continue later right?" His breath now fanning my neck. "Y-yeah."

His lips attached to mine, nibbling and bitting. His tongue darting around my mouth. I moaned as he stroked my dick.

He grabbed my hand, putting it in my pants and used it to stroke my dick.

I moaned as he started moving my hand faster. He pulled down my pants along with my underwear and my dick sprinted out.

"E-Enzo," I moaned out, my hands gripped his hair as his own hands started moving up and down.

He groaned when I tugged his hair. Warmth surrounded my dick, my eyes rolled back.

"E-Enzo f-fuck." His head bobbed, the tip hitting the back of his throat.

"I-I'm going t-to c-cum- Shit!"

He looked up at me as he swallowed.

My back hit the bed while he climbs over me. His clothes now also on the floor. "So fucking cute." He twisted a piece of hair between his fingers.

He flipped me around, my face buried into the pillow.

"Since you've been such a good boy, maybe I should give you a message yea?"

I nodded my head. Baby oil dropped out of the bottle onto his hands. His oily hands slid up and down my back slowly going to my ass.

"Mm look at this tight little hole." His finger slipped into my hole, "So fucking tight." He groaned.

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