¢нαρтєя 14

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Sierra's POV
Touching the knife I slid up my sleeve relaxes me knowing I could escape anytime I'd like.

Sienna had sent a morse code during the video. Hopefully, they called Hades and asked for his help or they would be searching for us in Russia when we are in China.

Hades should see the knife in my sleeve. From there he also should know there would be a lot of men.

If he doesn't find any of these. I need to whoop his ass after I get out of here. They haven't hit us, other than the one on camera. That was just for show.

"I told them about the warehouse. The one we blew up." Sienna said in Italian while looking at the door. Hearing footsteps, we kept our gaze down.

Ivan came in all royalty-like. "They seem to be coming soon." He smirked. It was all a plan. If they come, he would kill them. We kept quiet.


"They are too early!" Ivan groaned walking out making sure to lock the door. Immediately, I sliced open the ropes. Sienna doing the same. "He thought locking the door could stop us." I laugh.

Sienna used her knife cutting the door open in a swift motion. Guards next to the door who haven't seen to notice us at all.

I stab him in the neck grabbing their guns and knifes. Going upstairs, I see everyone fighting including Hades. I swear did this bitch tell them he trained us?

A man came up behind me causing me to stab him in the face. Amen.

Darting my knife towards Valentino, killing his opponent. He look straight at me with a glare. I wink in response and started fighting.

Ivan in the corner watching us fight. Some men next to him. He looked shocked when he saw us fighting. I signal to Sienna who nodded understandingly.

She sneaked into one of the rooms and I went to the other. All the bullets stop and everyone looked around.

Third person's POV
Everyone looked around to see the twins weren't there. But everyone saw them fighting. They can't be hallucinating can they?

Ivan didn't care. He started clapping making everyone's head snap to him. The twins weren't next to him either. Hades knew exactly what was going on.

He knew they were hiding. They can read anyone like a book. They knew what Ivan was planning.

Everyone was still looking at Ivan. His men came up behind them and tied them to chairs. He slowly walked towards them.

The twins slowly crept out of the rooms hiding in the shadow. Slowly killing all the men in the room.

Making sure their bodies fall softly not landing with a thud. Soon enough, Ivan's men were dead.

"I never did anything to you, Ivan. Why?" Stephan seethe. Ivan laughed. "Well when you get married to my sister without my knowledge. This is what happens." Ivan said with a glare.

"Alesia is your sister?" Vincenzo asked raising his brows. "Half sister." He corrected him.

"Ew you're my uncle?" Ace said scrunching his nose up in disgust. "I don't care. Now where are those twins." Ivan said looking around.

The twins were right in front of him, in the shadows of course. He can't seem to see that they are in front of him.

After all, they have been trained to be with the shadows no matter where they are. Hades slowly smirk seeing where they are.

No one knew Hades was manager of assassins and it will stay that way. Hades could easily escape but he wants the show to go on.

Everyone was looking around the room. No one could spot them in the shadows. Ivan paled seeing his men on the floor dead.

He knew the twins were somewhere here but where? "Come on, weren't you telling me I was weak and pathetic? Come on out and fight me." Ivan said tauntingly.

The twins knew what he was doing. He was trying to provoke them and make them angry. They kept their emotions at bay.

"Don't do that." Sierra said making her voice deeper. Ivan looked around again trying to find them. "Scared?" Ivan said again.

"No. We aren't afraid of nothing." Sienna said coldly. Everyone shivered at her voice. Slowly they came out.

Their footsteps not being heard until they stood exactly behind Ivan. They both leaned to his ear.

"Boo bitch." They both whisper making him jump and turn around causing both of them to smirk.

Going into their fight stance. "You said you want to fight right?" Sierra said, her smirk growing wider.


Ivan punched Sierra making her dodge and punch his stomach. He doubled over and coughed. Sierra not giving time for him to breathe, she started punching his face.

Sienna was untying everyone. Everyone watching Sierra fight. She pressed the pressure point making him go limp.

She threw his body over her shoulder and turned to her family. "We must hurry before he wakes up." Then went outside.

Sierra tied him up in the same room Dimitri was in also hanging him upside down. The twins walked towards Hades and shook his hand. 

Everyone was left confused why they shook hands. No one knew what that meant except Hades. If they shook hands that means the twins were going on a mission.

They only shook hands with Hades to inform him since he was the manager.

"Shall we see what is around the warehouse they were talking about?"

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