¢нαρтєя 21

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Sierra's POV
I toss and turn on the semi-comfortable place. I open my eyes remembering what happened yesterday.

I look to my side "Where is he?" I mumbled. "Looking for me, m'lady?" A voice said from behind.

I look behind. There he was in grey sweats. Shit, he knows my weakness.

"Am I that handsome, my dear? Well, in that case you can stare at me all day since I'm yours after all." He said startling me.

"Don't flatter yourself." I said with a small pout. I walk towards the kitchen and took out a pan to start cooking a pancake.

I started mixing the batter while humming to a random song. "You know cooking is my job." He whined.

I laughed as I poured the batter onto the pan. Footsteps came up behind me.

An arm snaked around my waist and the other around my shoulders. "Although I do love your cooking." He nibbles on my ear.

I swallowed when I felt him near my sweet spot. He slowly sucked under my ear then to my neck.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered, slowly putting the pancakes onto the plate.

"You're so cute." He mumbled burying his face in my neck. "The pancakes are ready."

He hummed and took the plate. He sat down on the stool and started eating. I bite my tongue to refrain hitting him.

Whenever I'm around him I feel free, alive and happy. He's one of those few people who can actually make me happy.

"So what do you do when people snap pictures of you?" I questioned since he hated being in pictures.

He rolled his eyes still stuffing his mouth with pancakes. "The guards take them away, I usually wear sunglasses so I can at least hide my face." He mumbled not so happily.

I nodded my head. "No one knows about your underground business correct?" I said finishing the last pancakes on my plate.

"Yea or else they'd be dead." He said in a 'duh' tone. "Good good. It's risky if it goes to public." I took my plate and went to the sink.

"I've been sending you targets these months. Did you get them?" He asked putting his plate in the sink.

"These few months I've been doing a bit less since I spend most time with the family." I said nodding my head.

He hummed contently. "Okay." He mumbled softly. "Ezekiel, I have to go back home today. I already told Sienna." I said while drying my hands.

His face forms into a pout "How long until you have to go?" He questioned almost whining. I chuckled taking out my phone.

"In 2 hours." I responded walking towards the balcony since he had a beautiful view of the city.

He came up from behind me and hugged my waist, his head resting on mine. "You know I'm so proud of you." I said with a smile.

"You are?" He said almost like he is not believing me. "Of course I am." I said confidently.

"I remember when I was at the park, sitting on the bench drawing. I watched as you and Sienna play. You were so carefree back when Alesia was still a decent mother." He confessed.

"No wonder I felt like someone was watching us but I couldn't figure out who." I said snapping my fingers.

"You also never knew we were neighbors until I came up to you. I would always look out my window and see your room." He said rubbing circles on my stomach.

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