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Sierra's POV
I sat on my bed doing my homework. Mother was out getting herself drunk. We kept our underground identity hidden but we knew if mother and step-father dies we have to go back to our biological father and brothers family.

I was okay with it though Lorenzo seems like an ass. Sienna and I found out about them since mother once mention Stephan when she was drunk.

There was once they tried to hit us but we ended up outrunning them around the house. They didn't want to try after that or maybe they didn't want to run around the house again.

But we couldn't defend ourselves when we were younger.

There was a knock on the front door making me snap out of my thoughts. I rushed out of my bedroom and went downstairs.

Sienna was rushing out of her room too.

We opened the door to find police. We were both panicked. Did we get caught and we're getting arrested?

"Are you Sierra and Sienna?" The police questioned with sympathy. We both nodded still being confused. "Your step-father had a heart attack while driving and your mother was in the passenger sit which caused a car crash. None of them survived." The police said with pity in his eyes.

We looked at each other and started crying. We were acting of course but it was fun messing with people.

"Please come with us to the station. Since you have a step-father let's see if your biological father is alive." The police told us. We followed him to the car.

Sienna and I were talking in sign language. "Do you think they will accept us? I mean our mother kidnapped us when we were a baby and they were devastated when they found out." She sign. I simply shrugged noticing we were at the station already.

We knew who our father was. In the underground world, you learn a lot of things about mafia, street fighting, street racing and assassins. We both participate in all except mafia. Our street fighting and street racing were different from our assassin name.

My racing and fighting name are Merciless because when I fight and race they end up dead.

I chose that name a long time ago, I use to think it was cool. Now? I think it's cringy as hell.

Sienna's were Chaos because when she fights the opponent would be beat to pulp and when she races she drives like she's about to crash her opponent so they would swerve a lot and they end up crashing.

So yea we are pretty reckless but no one knows who we are. We did the DNA test and they said the result would come back tonight. "Should we run?" I sign to Sienna. She shook her head.

"There's no point we would go back to them either way." She said in Russian. I nodded and put my head on the table. We both ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me. "We got back your DNA and you have relatives. We called them and they wanted to take you in." Our face was still blank not showing any emotion. We simply nodded. "They are coming to pick you up tomorrow morning. You both can sleep here." We nodded again and he left.


Stephan's POV
We were eating dinner. No one was talking, everything was gloomy. Even though the twins never came to the house, everyone fell in love with them at first sight. The twins were their light. Once the boys saw the twins, they all had a light in their lives. Hell, even I can agree.

When Alesia took the twins, we all went back into the darkness. Suddenly my phone rang. Everyone looked at me.

I answered the phone and put it on speaker. They all looked at my phone that was on the table. "Hello?" I said "Hello, is this Mr. D'Angelo?" The person on the phone said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes."

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