¢нαρтєя 3

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Sierra's POV
Stephan had assign bodyguards for Sienna and I. He also doubled security knowing the Russians are after us.

My bodyguard is hot stuff! Damn those eyes are great.

After dinner, everyone had went back to their rooms. Sienna and I are going to sneak out and go underground for street fighting. Hopefully none of the family is there.

Sienna came into my room wearing her black clothes. We climbed out the window and sneaked past the guards. It was quite easy.

I found my bike in the forest like how I told my squad. Yes, we are like a group. After 5 minutes we reached the street fighting.

I made eye contact with my bodyguard. I gave him a small salute before disappearing into the crowd. I put on my mask and stretched.

"Who wants to fight the undefeated Mystery?!" The host shouted. I smirked "Me!" I raised my hand through the crowd. My mask was still on but you can see my hair.

"A girl? That would be easy! Fight till death!" The guy called Mystery said smirking at me. I simply nodded my head and made my way through the crowd.

"What's your name?" The host whispered. I lightly chuckled. "Merciless" As soon as I said that he paled and gulped.

"We have the undefeated Mystery against Merciless." The host said and walked out. Everyone became eerily quiet. Sienna started cheering.

"Fight till death right?" I said tilting my head. He slowly nodded going to the middle of the ring. We got into fighting positions.

We circled each other looking for any weakness. He was dragging his right leg a little. He threw the first punch.

I grabbed his arm twisted it behind his back making a crack sound. He groan in pain. Before he got up, I snapped his neck.

I stood up looking through the crowd. I saw my bodyguard his lips twitching up but he kept a straight face. I winked at him then walked out of the ring.

I walked next to him. He nudge me, telling me to look at him "You were great even though you could have more fun then that." He sign.

I never heard him talk he usually uses sign language to talk with my family. Shit! I can't use sign language to talk to Sienna in front of our family.

I nodded "Are you mute?" I whispered to him watching Sienna beat up a guy to pulp. I looked up at him to see him already looking at me. He nodded his head then look back at the ring.

"Can you not tell my family about Sienna and I being Merciless and Chaos? I want to tell them myself." I said.

"Anything for you Sierra." He sign again. "You have really pretty eyes." I blurted out my eyes widened at what I said.

He chuckled "Yours are really pretty too. Brown and blue pretty colors for a pretty lady." He sign.

Sienna collected her money and made her way towards us. "What's your name? I never figured it out." I said tilting my head to the left. It was a habit of mine.

If I tilt my head to the right I'm either mocking someone or acting innocent. If I tilt my head left I'm confused or curious.

"Alex darling." He sign with a small smile before going back to his blank face. I notice Sienna was very close to me. I tap her on the shoulder.

"We can't use sign language in front of our family. They know sign language but I'm not sure if they know it fluently." I sign. Alex silently chuckled knowing I purposely did that.

I nudge Alex "Where's the other guard?" I asked Alex "At the house" he sign. A flash of recognition past Sienna's face. We both had two guards because Stephan thinks one guard is not enough.

Sienna went to the back room to grab something she forgot. "So what's the other guard's name?" I asked Alex. He rolled his eyes "His name is Liam." He sign.

Sienna came back with another bag of money. "So?" She asked both of us. "Um you go back to house. We are going on my bike." I said nodding my head slightly.

"I'll be following you." Alex sign and walked towards the car. We got onto the bike. Sienna was behind me hugging my waist.

"So why you giving him 'fuck me' eyes?" Sienna said my eyes widened "What? No." I said in a rush.

I see Alex at the back following like he said. "Oh don't lie. You out of all people know he is damn attractive." Sienna said teasingly.

"Fine. I'm scared though. If I fall for him then it's going to be another weakness." I said looking back at Alex.

"Love isn't weakness. Sure you might think that because you're thinking of the outcome. You're thinking of what would happen if you fall for him. You're thinking about what if he got kidnapped. You're thinking about how it's your fault if anything happens to him." Sienna said while using her fingers drawing lines on my back.

I nodded and stopped in the forest. We walked through the shadows and past the guards. We jumped into my room through the window. Once we got in the lights went on.

We both froze in our spots and slowly turned to the door. "Oh thank fuck it's you Alex. Fuck you for giving me a heart attack." I said with relief.

"Be careful next time." He sign and walked out. Sienna went back to her room and I just into my bed for a dreamless night.

Or that's what I thought.

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