¢нαρтєя 16

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Sierra's POV
"Hey" I said acting normal. "Hi" Dom and Luciano said at the same time. We all walk to the living room.

"How did you guys meet?" Sienna asked eating a chocolate she got from the kitchen. "We met at school because they bumped into us. We were 13." Roman said.

Our age are 3 years apart. I met Dom when I was 10.

"Cool." I responded looking at Dom then Luciano. Dom's hands were in his pocket with his phone. Most likely taking a video.

Luciano has his phone on his lap with his phone on top. After talking a whole lot of shit. Everyone left the room except Dom and Luciano.

I took out my phone and started recording. "They are falling for it." Dom said. "Alesia will attack in a few days. We will be apart of the attack to kill this family. Also wear a mask so they don't know it's us." Luciano said then walking out.

I walk over to Sienna's room. "Proof." I said throwing her my phone. "Now we wait for the attack." Sienna said shrugging.

I sighed and sit down next to her. "I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight." I close my eyes and crept into darkness.

Few days later.


"EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! THERE IS A BOMB!" I heard someone yell. I ran through the rooms making sure they are not here.

I was almost out the door but suddenly got forced to the ground, hitting my head harshly. Black dots invade my vision and I start to lose consciousness.

Everyone gathered around me. "Sierra stay the fuck awake." Sienna said slapping my face. "I love you guys." I whispered before going into darkness.

Darkness. Beeping sound. Talking.

That's all I hear and see for the past few days. If I'm correct I should be in a hospital. I could recognize that stupid beeping sound anywhere.

I tried opening my eyes a ridiculous amount of times. I look around the darkness and see a door with light shining under.

I walk towards it and open it. I saw people with wings. "Miss, you're not allowed here. You must go back down to earth." A guy with a clipboard said politely.

I nodded and went back out the door. Back into freaking darkness. I open my eyes slowly. Finally after a long time of trying.

Sienna was holding my hand. Hades on my other hand. Roman and Ace in the room as well. "You guys look so damn ugly." I cackle out a laugh then cough.

"Give me some water." I pat Hades on the head. Everyone looked at me with dark bags under their eyes. "Damn I didn't think you look that bad." I said with a grimace.

Hades rolls his eyes and gives me a glass of water. "How long have I been out for?"  I question taking a sip of my water.

"2 months." Sienna said bluntly "That was expected." I said nodding my head recalling how I banged my head on the concrete floor.

"Dom and Luciano?" I asked. Roman and Ace looked at me confused. "Basement of our warehouse." Sienna said checking her phone.

"What?" Roman asked. Sienna handed them my phone and played the recording. "How did you know about this?" Hades asked.

"I had a dream. I was ten. We both were in the shop and I walked out first. I heard someone talking in Russian about Italians so I went to see who it was and it was Dom." I said shrugging.

"Yea same. We were at the park and Sierra was playing with grass. There was a kid on the bench talking in Russian." Sienna said putting away her phone.

"Yea anyways I'm going to go torture them." I said getting out of my bed only to be push down by Sienna.

"We can do that tomorrow now fucking rest." She said flicking my forehead. "You too. You look like shit." I grumbled out.

Closing my eyes, I fall back into the world of darkness.

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