¢нαρтєя 20

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Sierra's POV
I rock on my feet back and forth as I stand in front of the mirror. I pat down my clothing making sure there isn't any wrinkles.

"You look great. You look hot. Fuck what he thinks." I convince myself, taking deep breaths. I walk out the door while picking on my nails.

Sienna stood at the stairs, looking at her phone not paying a single attention to her surroundings.

"Let's go." I said, startling her. She nodded her head and we both walk to the front door. We both head to the car.

Sienna sat in the driver seat. "You remember the number right?" She said looking at me. I nodded. I remember it.

Room 472.

My leg bounced up and down. I haven't seen his beautiful self in so long. The last time I saw him. He told me he had to leave.

Now he is the biggest CEO in the world. His name is all over the news. I walk past people. All they seem to talk about is him.

But no one knows his second persona.

Girls gossip about how hot he is. They all talk about how they want to be his girlfriend. Well, that's too bad. He's already mine.

I walk past the receptionist. I went to the elevator, ignoring her presence. I press the button instantly making my foot tap against the floor.

Creating a rhythm, I tried distracting myself. The elevator dinged, the door slowly opening. I walk down the hallway looking at the door numbers.

Room 470.

Room 471.

Room 472.

I stop at the door, biting my lip nervously. I raised my hand to knock but the door already clinger open. Pulling me into a hug.

I tensed then relax when the familiar scent hit my nose. I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

"I miss you so much." I whispered, my bottom lip began to tremble. His arm wrapped around my waist and above my ass.

"I miss you too, m'lady." He whispered, hugging me tighter. I pull apart narrowing my eyes at him. "CEO huh?" I teased him.

He groaned "Yea but I hate how everyone talks about it." He said pointing a little. "Well if it makes you feel better I already know you were going to be CEO." My lips twitched into a smile.

"Hm, that's because I told you I would work hard to become a CEO." He said pointing an accusing finger at me.

I went on my tip toes and gave him a little kiss. "More." He whined, puckering his lips. "One more." I laughed knowing if I gave him a long kiss we would end up in the bed naked.

We walked towards his kitchen since it was a penthouse and he owned the building. "You know my life is like a story." I said pressing my lips into a thin line.

"It is?" He quite stumped softly, his hand on the handle of the pan and the other on the spatula. I hummed a 'yes'.

"It went from getting kidnapped as a baby, having a crazy batshit mom, then her falling in love with the Russian's underboss, then me and Sienna being assassins. The list goes on." I nodded my head.

He turns off the fire and starts placing the food on the plate. "Now Alesia is with the Russians." I said, drawing random lines on the counter.

He jaw clenched as he grabs the utensils. He sets the plates down on the table. I gasped dramatically "You made my favorite."

"Thank you!" I beamed immediately shoving the food in my mouth. I throw my head back moaning at the taste.

My eyes widen at what I did. "You're cooking still at my top one." I smiled brightly. He chuckled lowly and sat down in front of me.

He eats his own food while looking at me. "Why did you leave?" I asked, looking at my plate.

"I had to." He said putting his head down. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"My dad threatened me." He said barely above a whisper. I grip my fork tighter.

I calm myself down "Can we spend the day together?"

He looked up at me with a smile. "Yeah." He nodded his head.

"When I first saw you I thought you were crazy." I admitted, chuckling a little.

"Really?" He asked with a smirk.

"Really." I confirmed.

I stood up with my plate, walking to the sink to wash my plate.

I started washing the plate and utensils when I felt arms around my waist.

I look down only to see tattooed arms. I leaned back making him hold my weight.

I put the last plate on the tray to dry. He picks me up by my waist. I laughed as he carried me to the living room.

He sat on the couch with me on his lap. He took the remote and chose a movie.

His arm still around my waist, his thumb rubbing going in circles.

I leaned my head onto his left shoulder so his head could be on my right shoulder.

"You're so pretty." I blurted out. He smiled and kissed my cheeks making me blush.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbled, burying his head in my neck.

My hands shoot up to his hair automatically. I gently massaged his scalp.

He groaned "Keep doing that. It's nice." He whispered, closing his eyes.

I start humming a random song. The movie played in the background. My fingers occasionally wrap around his hair and pulled.

I dig my nails in his scalp, scratching it lightly. His breathing evened. I gently lay him on the couch.

I lied down next to him, my arm still around his neck. I played with his hair. My legs tangled with him as I slowly fell asleep.

His scent engulfed me. I let out a big sigh, hoping he would stay this time.

Maybe if he just talked to me he wouldn't have to leave.

I can't force him to do that's stuff though. It's his choice.

I can't blame him for what he did. Because I would have done the same.

If someone threatened me with the love of my life. I would immediately leave.

I always want everyone I love safe. No matter if they hate me or not. No matter the consequences.

As long as they are safe it's fine with me. I took out my phone messaging Sienna that I would be spending my night here.

Russians, what's your next plan and your motivation to do this?

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