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Sienna's POV
"What about shopping for tomorrow?" I asked while eating my dinner. Stephan furrowed his eyebrows. "I'll ask someone to do it. Do you guys like your room? Do you need to change anything?" He questioned.

"LED lights but I can buy those." Sierra said and I agreed. Sierra does most of the talking between the both of us. She is also very protective over me like how I am with her. We were both trained to be the best of the bests.

We ate barely half the food and we're already full. Sierra looked at me for reassurance. I grabbed her hand under the table rubbing my thumb soothingly. All the attention was on us.

"We have ED" Sierra muttered looking everywhere but the family. Alex furrowed slightly like he understands how she feels. Liam looked at me pursing his lips into a thin line.

I must say Liam and Alex are like twins even though they look nothing alike. They think no one knows about them having a high IQ or knowing many languages. The family doesn't but Sierra and I do.

We did a background check on everyone. Even our bodyguards. Liam and Alex are both selective mute but everyone thinks they are mute because they don't talk at all. Sierra and I figured they were selective mutes because when they get hurt they grunt or groan.

The tension was thick in the room. No one knowing what to say. "May we be excused?" I asked politely. Stephan nodded and the guards followed us.

I went into my room while Sierra went to hers. I grabbed one of the many books I have and started reading. A knock had broke me out of my reading world.

"Come in!" I yelled still reading. Sierra walked in with a black outfit. I raised a brow silently asking her to explain. "Race" Sierra said in Japanese. I grabbed the outfit from her hand and went to the bathroom.

We went out from the window, no doubt Alex and Liam following. There was two cars in front of us. I went to the black Ferrari and Sierra went to the red Lamborghini.

I followed Sierra to the illegal race tracks. The manager was standing there with a board and a pen. We went to him and tapped on his shoulder. We were already wearing our mask so he doesn't see our identity.

"We want to race." Sierra said bluntly. He nodded "Names?" He said looking between Sierra and I.
We both said at the same time. He paled then cleared his throat.

"Merciless will be racing Dust and Chaos will be racing Smoke." He said writing it down on his board.

We nodded and went back to our car. Sierra took out a blunt and lit it up. She inhaled and blowed it out. "Blunt?" She asked offering me her blunt. I nodded and gladly took it.

I inhaled it and slowly blowed it out. I gave her back her blunt. "We now have C-chaos against Smoke!" The manager said.

I got into my car and went to the line. I rolled down the window to see a guy with blond hair and blue eyes. He smirked. Hot but not as hot as Liam though.

Wait what?

A woman with barely any clothes on went in between me and the guy's car.


The woman shot the gun towards the sky. I pressed the gas launching forward. I go next to the car making him swerve. He went to the left and I followed making him go to the right barely controlling the car.

I mess around a bit more making him crash into a pole. I went through a short cut making it back to the street race. I crossed the line making me win.

I collected my money. I looked through the crowed only to see the family with Liam and Alex. They looked around trying to find Smoke only to see a pit of fire further down the road.

"The next race we have is Merciless and Dust!" The manager's voice boomed. Sierra's car now at the line, revving her engine. All our cars have a personal speed boost so we would for sure win.

The same woman came out and stood between the cars.
The woman shot the gun once again. The cars went fast. Sierra blocking Dust's way making him crash and her crossing the line.

She collected her money while everyone watching were quiet. Everyone knows Smoke and Dust were undefeated. But it's what happens when the beats come and take over.

We walked towards the family sitting there chatting about something. "Hey" Sierra said dragging the word. She handed the money to Alex "It's yours now." She said then patted his chest.

I gave Liam mine "Don't try giving it back. You won't succeed." I said smiling. "Why didn't you guys tell us you were going out?" Stephan said.

"Because you probably won't let us go and race." I said looking at Sierra. He frowned "No I would have. I also wanted to see how you raced." He grumbled.

"Yea I want to see how my sisters race." Roman whines. Lorenzo slapped him behind the head telling him to shut up.

"We will tell you next time." Sierra said then went to her car. I wave my hand and went to mine. We went back in through the window.

"Can I sleep with you?" Sierra asked looking down on the floor. "You don't have to ask." I said leading her to the bed.

"The nightmares are coming back without the sleeping pills huh?" I said in a jokingly manner. She chuckled and played with the rings on her fingers.

I hugged her waist "Sleep. You look ugly with eye bags." I said and she scoffed. "You too." She said running her hands through my hair and I hummed in pleasure. Soon darkness takes over.

Hopefully it's there's no nightmares tonight.

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