¢нαρтєя 13

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Giovanni's POV
I call some men to clean up the bodies. Everyone except the girls are in the meeting room finding the twins.

"Guys Sierra said something before she pass out. She signaled to her necklace. There might be a tracker there." Diego said looking up from his computer.

"Okay so track their necklace." I said doing more paperwork for alliances. The German, American and Irish agreed to form an alliance with us because the Russians had killed their wife.

My laptop pinged making everyone look at me. I frowned and open my email. It was a video. "Guys come here." I said opening the video.

"Well look at this. The twins of the D'Angelo family." Ivan said with a smug smile. "You know you're so weak and pathetic, you can't go up to them like a man." Sierra scoffs. Ivan's smile drops immediately and punch her in the face.

Sierra smiled showing her bloodied teeth. "Do it again, bitch." She said still showing her teeth. Ivan clenched his jaw and look back at the camera. "Better come fast or it's too late." Ivan taunted turning the camera off.

"Wait go back to the footage and look at Sienna." Blake said. I rewind and looked at Sienna. She was blinking like crazy. "Morse code." Ethan said writing the code down.

"We're in Russia. There's a warehouse near the one we blew up." Ethan said pointing his pen at the paper. "There's nothing near the warehouse they blew up." Dad said tilting his head in confusion.

"Wait Hades is their friend right? Before we introduced them, they already knew each other. Let's call him over." Leonardo said looking up at me.

I nodded in agreement. Lorenzo picked up his phone. "Hey Hades, can you come over it's about the twins." He hang up the phone after a few words. "He's coming in five." He said looking back down at the table.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Hades walks in and sat himself next to Leonardo. "What happened?" He said narrowing his eyes.

"Russians kidnapped the twins and Sienna gave us a Morse code saying there was another warehouse next to the one they blew up." Diego said in one breath. He tense up. "Let me see the video." He said looking towards me.

I gave him the laptop walking towards his side. He zoomed in on her sleeve. "Always a sneaky little girl waiting for the right timing." He said with a smirk.

"Alright it seems like they can get out of there themselves but they are waiting for the perfect timing which means they already have a plan. Once you guys get there, they will get out of the ropes and fight with you. If they are waiting for you then it means they have a lot of men there." Hades said putting his hands together.

"Let me see the code." Hades said stretching out his hand to Diego. "We're in Russia. They definitely are not. They are in China. The warehouse meaning look around the warehouse." Hades said leaning back in his chair.

"How do you know they are in China?" Valentino asked glaring at Hades. "We made up a code when we were younger. I took a year to memorize it." His eyes widen at the thought.

"So we need a lot of men. They need to be trained." I said trailing off. "I can train them." Hades said with a sly smirk. "Are you sure?" Ezra said skeptical.

"Oh they didn't tell you? I trained the twins." He said with a cocky smirk. "I can train them tomorrow morning while you guys find the twins. Should be easy since you already know they are in China." He says standing up.

I nodded my head slowly. Everyone left the room only leaving me and Nonno. "Find them fast. We just got them and we can't loose them." He said looking at me then walking out the door.

The door closed and I sighed deeply looking at my laptop. I called my best hacker and asked them to track the video.

What if they are dead and we don't make it in time? What if Ivan already escaped before we kill him?

Stop it.

No one knows but I overthink a lot. I also used to run into walls as a kid. I swear my best friend was the wall and floor.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I look over and saw it was my phone. I answered seeing it was my hacker that I asked to track them down.

"We found them boss."

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