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Alex's POV
16 years ago the house became eerily quiet. Everyone became cold. Alesia who we referred to as Donna was gone. There was nothing to silently laugh at. That is until Sierra and Sienna came back.

I knew many languages and had a high IQ. No one knew that. I heard Sierra asking Sienna about going underground to fight. I always admire Merciless and Chaos. I was also selective mute. It happened when I was in adoption. I used to scream and beg for them to stop. Soon I stopped talking.

Everyone who adopted me abused me. I moved house to house, family to family, abusers to abusers. One day I just ran. I ran away. I stayed on the street, I didn't have money or anything. I was living in an alleyway.

One night Stephan saw me and helped me. I will forever be loyal to him. He gave me a home to stay. He trained me with his men.

When Sierra and Sienna came, I couldn't keep my eyes off Sierra. Even though they were twins, Sierra looked better in my eyes. Her eyes being two different colors like me.

When I saw her fighting a guy twice her size, I must say I was worried. But who was I to tell her not to fight. When both of them entered the house, their heads held high with authority and power.

Their face didn't show any emotions. It was like they done this before. The house was never silent anymore. The family's light had came back.

Liam and I were assigned as Sierra's bodyguard. We both were selective mute. We get along quite well considering we both knew sign language and had something in common.

I notice whenever Sienna's here, his eyes are on her a little longer than it should. Then again who am I to say? I notice Sienna also looked at him shamelessly. What can I say? When you're selective mute you tend to be a observer.

Sierra takes out her emotions on a punching bag in the gym which I'm pretty sure it's about to break. Sienna reads a book to take her out of reality.

When you first see the twins, you would think Sierra is the more violent one. In reality both of them are violent as shit.

I think Stephan would put one bodyguard for each of them now. I see Liam following Sienna like a lost puppy instead of the two other guards.

"Hey we have to go shopping remember? School starts tomorrow." Sierra said knocking on Sienna's door while her head leaned on the wall.

The door opens and Sienna stands there with a bra and shorts. "Did you have sex or something?" Sierra asked arching a brow. I stood there quietly not wanting to interfere.

Sienna shook her head and led her inside the room. I stood outside the room guarding the door. "I wonder what Hades is doing right now? Remember last time how you would sing and play instruments while me and Hades dance?" Sierra said in Greek.

"It was so much fun. Hopefully we can do it again." Sienna said in Russian. Wait, Lorenzo has a friend name Hades who is on a mission. Maybe it's a different one?

"Sierra! Sienna! Come downstairs there is someone I want you to meet!" Giovanni shouted from downstairs.

Sierra opened the door and both of them went to the living room. Oh shit, Hades is standing in the living room. The twins walked up to him and smacked his head, hard. The slap echoed through the room.

There was a few more guys in the room. Or should I say more brothers that they hid from the entire world. "So this is Hades." Lorenzo said with a frown. "We know" They answered together then looked at the other guys.

"Oh right this is your brothers. Roman wasn't the youngest one." Gio muttered. The twins hummed then walked to them. "Let's guess their name, yes?" Sienna said to Sierra. She nodded in agreement.

Sierra pointed to the one on the right. "Your name is Ace." She clapped her hands. Ace had his mouth opened looking at her. Sienna pointed to the middle. "Your name is Leonardo. Lorenzo's twin!" Sienna exclaimed jumping up and down on spot.

"And you." The twins said sobering up and pointed on the left. "Are Zane." They said together while walking towards him checking him out. Sierra grabbed his face and turned it every direction while Sienna watched.

"Zane is obviously the youngest." Sienna said while Sierra hummed in agreement. They then walked to Leonardo. Sienna grabbed his face. "He is not as grouchy as Enzo." Sierra said and Sienna nodded her head.

They both went to Ace who has a soft look on his face. "Mama bear." The twins said tilting their heads while looking at Ace. Sierra put her hands together and they both turned to Hades. "Old times?" Sierra said with a smirk. He nodded and they three went to the dance room while we followed.

Sierra's POV
We all went to the dance room. Sienna played one of the songs that we last did. We smiled and tied a blindfold on our eyes so we wouldn't be able to see when we are dancing.

We finished and heard clapping in the background. We turned to the door to see everyone there. Even Alex and Liam were clapping. Enzo had a small smile on his face but disappeared when he saw me looking at him.

"Go get clean and come down for dinner." Giovanni said walking away. We all went our separate ways and got ready for dinner. Shopping was long forgotten.

I mean what could possibly go wrong?

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