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Sierra's POV
I woke up to an arm around my waist. I was about to punch the person but then saw it was Sienna.

That's probably why I didn't have nightmares.

I went to get ready and went downstairs. Everyone was eating and chatting. "You have school." Stephan reminded me. I ran upstairs to wake up Sienna. Luckily there was no uniform. We rushed to get ready.

We both picked a nice outfit that showed our curves. We went downstairs and got an apple. "We don't need a ride!" Sienna shouted as we walked out the door. We went towards our own cars that was still in between the trees.

We decided to go in one car since it was the first day and we are already running late. Sienna was driving since she was better at swerving through cars. We ended up getting to school on time. Everyone was looking at us whispering to their friends.

The sun was shining very bright. We both got our sunglasses and walked out the car. Everyone's eyes widened and started talking in whispers again. We leaned on the car waiting for our brothers to arrive.

I took out my blunt lighting it then passing it to Sienna. After five minutes, they finally arrived. They got out their car and walked towards us. Everyone gasped when they put their arm around our shoulders.

"I already can see the queen bee coming our way and causing drama because we are talking to the school's bad boys." I said to Sienna while she threw her head back and laughed. We walked towards the office with them.

I looked towards Sienna "Polite or kick?" I asked Sienna but the boys obviously heard so they push the door open. I rolled my eyes and followed. There was a girl who was sitting there with earphones, painting her nails.

Sienna took out her earphones. She opened her mouth to yell but went against it when she saw the boys. "H-how can I-I help you?" She said stuttering. "Sierra and Sienna D'Angelo." Zane said rolling his eyes.

She nodded and practically ran out of the room to print out the schedule. She came back so fast like Usain Bolt. Sienna was holding in her laughter while I let out a small chuckle. She handed the paper over to us.

We both had the same classes together. We looked at each other and smirked. "Big entrance, yes?" She asked me, I looked at her like she was crazy. "When have we never?" I said letting out a laugh.

We went to our first class which we were five minutes late. I push the door harshly.

Everyone's head snapped to us including the teacher. The teacher's face started to turn red which we both found amusing but kept our face blank.

"Are you new?" The teacher asked trying to calm himself down. "Have you seen us here before? No? Then of course we're new." Sienna said then we walked over to a table. Now he was flaming with anger.

"Care to introduce yourself?" The teacher said his face still red. "No, but I'll do it anyways." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm Sierra D'Angelo. Don't talk to me unless I talk to you." I said taking out my phone.

"I'm Sienna D'Angelo, her twin. Again, don't talk to me unless I talk to you." She said then taking out her book. I looked over her shoulder to see her reading smut.

One thing we love is smut. When the scene was over, I payed attention to class just to see what I already learned.

I went on my phone tuning out all of the sound around me. "Miss Sierra!" The teacher shouted, I looked up from my phone arching an eyebrow. "Can you answer this question for me?" The teacher said almost smugly.

I scoffed, "The answer is 483.57." I said then going back on my phone. Sienna throws her head back howling out a laughter from how red the teacher's face was. "Sienna answer this one." The teacher said almost shouting. His face still red from anger.

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