¢нαρтєя 19

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Sierra's POV
We all gathered in the meeting room. My gaze focus on the table trying to think of a plan. I took out my book and started writing.

1. Alesia and Ivan were planning together way before they had children.

2. Alesia was a bigger puzzle to the plan.

3. Ivan escaped from the basement and is probably reunited with her.

Halfway writing I look up. "Did you do anything and I mean anything to anger the Russians? Any of you?" I asked, my eyes going around everyone.

"I didn't." Papa answered. "Any of you guys?" I pointed my pen at each of them. They all shook their heads.

"How about Nonno?" I asked papa since Nonno went back to his house already. "Maybe.." he trailed off.

"I remember he told me how Ivan kidnap your grandmother. I think they started war at that." Papa said squinting his eyes.

"Ivan is half the age Nonno is so he did that when he was heir or his dead father told him to." Sienna said tapping her finger on the table.

"Look we need a plan. They are already one step ahead." I said rubbing my temple. I look down at my book.

"How about we use cameras and we watch them for awhile?" Sienna said. "Mm maybe." I said, putting my head in my hands.

"I'll try to track their location." Roman said taking out his laptop.

"We can bomb their warehouse?" I asked with a frown. "Where do they get their money best?" I asked putting my hands on the table.

"Drugs." Giovanni said. "We bomb the warehouse that has their drugs." I stated.

4. Bomb their warehouse that has drugs.

"We can bomb each of their warehouses everyday cause they wouldn't think we would bomb another warehouse after we did with one." I said, biting my lip.

"Or we could bomb it every two days." I said shrugging a shoulder. "That's not bad. We can do that but we need more." Lorenzo said.

5. Bomb their warehouses everyday or every two days.

"Anything else?" I questioned. "Just go with the flow I guess." Leonardo answered. I nodded and stood up.

"If you need any help, knock on my door." With that I left the room and I went to mine. I stare out the window looking at the flowers.

The butterflies that fly around the garden. A ringing sound snap me out of my daze. I look around the room.

My phone was ringing. I walk towards it, picking it up. "Hello?" I said coldly. "Hello, m'lady." A familiar voice said.

I froze "W-what?" I stuttered. "Darling, I'm coming soon." And that the call ended. "Sienna!" I shouted.

"What?!" My door instantly opened. "He is coming." I said in shock "W-what? A-are you sure?" She said happily.

"Mhm" I nodded my head with a smile. My phone pinged. I looked at my phone. It was a message from an unknown number.

I'm on the plane. I already know where you live but you need to come to me, darling. -Yours <3.

"He's watching isn't he?" Sienna mumbled looking around my room. My phone started ringing.

It was from the unknown number. I picked it up, putting it on speaker. "Yes, I'm watching." He said. "Of course you are." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me." He said. I swear this man has the hottest voice ever. I hummed. "So where do we meet you?" Sienna said, her lips curved into a smirk.

"Meet me at my house. I'll text you the address." He said then hanged up. A message popped up.

My apartment is near the cafe. My room is 472. Come in tomorrow, darling.

"You have to go!" She yelled excitedly. I rolled my eyes at her "Calm down I'm going to go tomorrow." I wave my hand at her.

"Now go to sleep. You need your beauty sleep and you need to be energetic tomorrow. Who knows what you're going to do with him." She pushed my to my bed.

I pursed my lip, looking at her like she was crazy. "Okay okay chill. I'm going to sleep." I held my hands up in surrender.

"Good." She walked out the door. Immediately, I took out a book and started reading. The door bursts open again. I quickly throw the cover over my head. Putting the book under my pillow.

The blanket flew to the floor. Sienna towering over me, glaring at me. "If I find you awake, I will stay here." She said pointing a threatening finger at me.

"Yes, ma'am." My eyes widened at her finger. My eyes crisscross. She threw the covers back up and slip beside me.

She hugged my waist. "Go to sleep now." She said poking a finger at my stomach. I started to laugh uncontrollably.

"S-stop." I laughed swatting her hand away. She pulled away and walked to the door. "Fucking sleep!" She yelled at me then slammed the door.

I close my eyes and slowly went into darkness.

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