¢нαρтєя 24

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Sierra's POV
Graduating high school was one of the most accomplished things you could do.

The whole family had met Ezekiel and Nova; everyone liked them. But of course, papa had to threaten them. Same with Giovanni.

As I wait for my name to be called so I could walk across the stage and get my diploma.

My eyes scan the crowd, smiling once I saw Ezekiel.

My name was called, making me snap my head ahead of me.

"Sierra you better not fucking trip." I mumbled to myself as I walk up the stairs of the stage.

Confidently walking across the stage to get my diploma.

I walked out, letting out a breath of relief that I didn't fall on the stage.

"We did it! We graduated!" Sienna yelled shaking my shoulders like she couldn't believe it.

A lot has changed in this past year. Lorenzo and Hades started dating and I recently saw Lorenzo at a ring shop.

Giovanni got a girlfriend named Lucy. She has tan skin, green eyes and curly hair.

Leonardo was still in his playboy persona. Going to clubs, bringing girls to hotel then leaving them the next day.

Ace also got a girlfriend who is Emma. Her skin was fairly pale. She has brown eyes and black straight hair.

Roman ended up growing some balls and asked Phoenix out. Now they are dating, hopefully they last forever.

Zane found a guy named Aiden. He was exactly Zane's type. I can also see why he go for Aiden.

Everyone was smiling and hugging. Sienna and I decided we would not go to college.

"I love you." Ezekiel told me as he hugged me. "I love you too, Eze." I said not bothering to stop the smile on my face.

We drove to the restaurant straight after we changed out of our gown.

Ezekiel has been more touchy today. He keeps touching my thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles like he's nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly. He nodded his head, I don't question anymore even though I know it's complete bullshit.

The rest of the family stayed home so it was only me and Ezekiel going out for dinner.

I found it weird somehow but I let it slide.

We sat at our table. We talked about the future and everything. He seemed to be hinting he was going to propose soon.

The waiter came by and picked up our used plates. "Sierra." He says out of the blue.

I tilted my head at him as he stand up holding my hands.

"I just wanted to say that I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Sierra D'Angelo will you marry me?"

He got down on one knee opening the box revealing a diamond stud ring.

"Yea yea!" I shouted slightly jumping on the spot. Everyone started clapping and cheering.

He started smiling like a kid. He kissed me still smiling, "I love you so much." He said pulling away.

Maybe this is my happy ever after.

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