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Sierra's POV
"Mama." A tug of my pants made me advert my attention.

Emmanuel smiling brightly at me. "Can I hewlp make cookwies." He pouts, looking up at me.

After all these years, Ezekiel and I have 3 kids. Two were twins while the other one is a few months old.

Emmanuel and Ella are both twin. Emmanuel is a complete mommy's boy and Ella is a daddy's girl.

Ariel is a complete copy of me. She has my eyes, mouth, eyebrows but has Ezekiel's nose.

"Yea, sit on the counter and watch okay?" I picked him up placing him on the counter.

"You're so cute." I said squishing his chubby cheeks. Footsteps started becoming louder.

"Hello m'lady." Ezekiel kissed my cheeks with Ella on his hip.

"I'm making some cookies. Can you go check on Ariel for me? See if she needs anything." I told him mixing the dough.

"Yes ma'am." He said playfully then walking upstairs.

"You want to mix?" I asked Emmanuel. He nodded his head excitedly.

He grabs the spoon lightly and started mixing. I put my hands over his, gripping the spoon more tightly.

I helped him mixed. "Chocolate chips?" He questioned still smiling.

I nodded my head as I grabbed the packet of chocolate chips.

He grabbed a handful and out them in a bowl. He grabs a few more and puts them in his mouth.

Ezekiel came back down. "Ariel is asleep. I just changed her diaper." He wraps his arm around my waist.

"Don't kwiss." A voice interrupted. I laughed at Emmanuel who was closing his eyes with his hands.

"What is this?" Emmanuel asked holding up the gun. "That's a gun." I answered casually.

"Don't shoot it." Ezekiel warned him. "We can teach you how to use it when you're older." I said putting the tray in the oven.

He nodded his head happily. "Look at us. We achieved our dreams. We have a happy family and we defeated the Russians." Ezekiel said.

"Yeah." I said with a smile.

This is my forever happy ending.

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