¢нαρтєя 17

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Sierra's POV
Lights shine on my eyes as I wake up. The curtains were open. Yet again, I was still in the damn hospital.

Sienna walked through the door "Good morning." She said giving me a cup of water then putting the cookies on the table.

"When can I get out?" I asked taking a bite out of one cookie. "In a few hours, once they check your vitals." She said taking a sit on the chair.

I continue to eat my cookie and look out the window. Remembering how the last months had change.

"Stay here okay?" I told Sienna, getting out of the closet. Mom stood there with a wooden spoon in the hand and a furious look.

"You, bitch! You and your stupid little worthless sister ruined everything! You just had to be born!" She screamed at me while hitting me with the spoon.

Well I'm sorry that the condom broke.

"Aren't going to say anything?!" She punches my face making me fall back and let out a whimper. "Weak little bitch!" She screamed at me once again and kicked my ribs.

A crack echoed through the room. She continued to kick and punch. A few more cracks echoed. Soon the door open. There stood John.

"John!" Mother yelled happily. "You can have your time with this slut." She said completely forgetting about Sienna.

John grinned evilly and picked me up by my arms and dragged me to a room. He pushes me onto the bed cuffing my arms to the bed.

I didn't plead nor did I beg for help. It was pointless, it gives them satisfaction. He takes off my clothing. Running his disgusting hand down my body.


"Oh this sweet little body." He said removing my panties. He removes his clothes and throw them across the room.

He grabs a condom and slip in on. My jaw clenched. My body and mind already know what's happening and prepared.

His hands on my hips pushing me down. Using his knees, he spreads my leg open. He positions himself and pushes in with a big thrust.

I bite my tongue holding in a whimper. He moaned, "You're so tight." He grunts out throwing his head back as he thrusts in and out.

Tears flow down my face. I close my eyes trying to stop the tears yet they still come. He takes out his dick then thrust into me with a big force.

I squeeze my eyes tightly wishing everything would stop. He moaned out my name and came. "You did good this time." He said kissing me on the lips and walked out the room.

I limp my way to my room. Grabbing a new set of clothes, I open the closet. Sienna sat there, her head in her arms, her knees to her chest.

"It stopped already." I said with a small smile. I left the closet open and went to the bathroom. Setting the water at its hottest setting.

The water run down my body. I take the soap scrubbing my body trying to get the disgusting touch of my skin.

I get out of the bathroom and see Sienna on the chair reading a book. I slowly went downstairs and saw mom in a small dress.

"We are going out to a party, when I come back I want this place spotless and more vodka. Understand?" She said gripping my arm stronger.

I nodded my head fast. A few minutes after they left, men barged into the room. They were holding out guns and pointing it at me.

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