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Sierra's POV
Now it was midnight and Phoenix is suppose to meet Sienna and I at school for the big principle prank. "Hey." Phoenix said walking up to us with a big bag. We gave her a nod and started picking the lock at the back door.

I took oil and started pouring it all over the floor. Sienna took the Vaseline and put it all over the door handles. Phoenix went into the office and poured soda all over the papers. We took spray paint and started to draw on the walls.

We actually drew nice stuff but Phoenix couldn't help herself and she drew a dick. It was now three in the morning and we all went back home.

When we got back to school everyone was slowly going in. Sienna, Phoenix and I took out our phones and started recording. Just then the boys came. Domenico came up next to me and put an arm over my shoulder.

I leaned into the touch "Why are you recording?" He whispered "Just watch." I whispered back and pointed to the others.

Everyone walking in was falling onto the floor. The principle came and tripped. He landed on his face.

We slowly walked inside carefully and looked around. We saw students and teachers trying to open the door but their hand slipped of the handle. The walls covered in spray paint. The principle stood there shocked at his surroundings.

He started getting red. He walked to his office and we all followed. We stopped outside the office door and Phoenix stopped us. She took out her laptop and went to the security camera. She held it in front of us.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The principle shouted, we looked at each other. Did he just swear?  We all ran out then slowly walking around the halls. Ace tripped pulling Roman down. Roman grabbed Zane's hand causing three of them to land on the floor.

Alec started slapping his knee while laughing like it's the funniest thing every then he lost his balance and fell. He grabbed Luciano who's next to Sienna and they both fell. Phoenix and I started laughing.

Domenico looking at them amused then looked at me and chuckled. Suddenly Sienna pulled Phoenix's leg and she fell. "Guess we're the only one who is standing." I said looking at them. "Guess so." We looked at each other and ran out the hall.

We just walked out of the front door of the school when we heard an announcement. "Attention all students and teachers, the school will be closed down until we clean the mess in the school. We will inform you when you can come back to school. For now pack your things and go home. Thank you."

After that announcement, students started walking out of the school. Some with a grin that looked thankful and some with a scowl. "You, Phoenix and Sienna did this didn't you?" Domenico whispered next to my ear sending shivers.

I nodded and saw all of them coming out of the school. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time." I said remembering the last time I had fun which was years ago. "Can I asked you something?" Domenico questioned. I nodded.

"Can I take you on a date?" He said catching me completely off guard. I stood there stunned for a second. "Yea sure." I smiled looking at him. "Friday after school. At this spot." He said then kissed my forehead.

We all went to our cars, Phoenix decided to follow Sienna and I. We went into my car and I started the engine. "So Domenico huh?" Phoenix wiggles her eyebrows teasingly. "So Roman huh?" I said looking at her in the rear view mirror.

That immediately shut her up. Sienna started laughing at Phoenix. "Oh Sienna don't get me started with Luciano." I said and she stopped laughing. She started glaring out the window. Phoenix doing the same.

"We're here bitches." I said turning off the engine. They got out and walked towards the door. The boys pulling up a few seconds later.

"We're home!" I shouted walking through the door. Stephan came down and raised an eyebrow looking between me, Sienna and Phoenix.

"This is Phoenix our best friend. You know the trio." I said with a smile. "Ah yes. Also what's this about huh?" He said crossing his arms. "What do you mean?" Sienna said innocently. "Oh don't act innocent. I know you had something to do with the school closing down for a few days."

We gave him a small smile. "We did warn you yesterday." I said pursing my lips. Before he could say anything I shouted. "Hey did you know our aunts, uncles and grandparents are coming on Saturday?" I ran up the stairs before anyone could say anything.

Sienna and Phoenix hot on my trail. We ran towards my room and closed. We were breathing heavily then started laughing. "Stephan said that grandfather is scary as shit." I said still breathing heavily.

"His exact words were 'He can make you piss your pants from looking at you.' Grandfather is also mad at Stephan for not telling him he found us." I said catching my breath.

"Damn." Phoenix said then started laughing again. We looked at her and started laughing along.

"Well let's just pray that Stephan doesn't die then." Phoenix said recovering from her laughing fit. Sienna nodded in agreement.

We spent the rest of the day talking and laughing in my room. Soon we all fell asleep.

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