¢нαρтєя 15

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Sierra's POV
We came back from a mission covered in blood. The floor almost tinted with footprints. Walking upstairs, I went into my room. Alex had sneak off to the bathroom.

Honestly, I forgot about Alex with all the shit going on. I walk downstairs only for the front door to be knocked.

I look around to find Alex but he was nowhere near. Suspicious. I look through the peep hole only to see a man with a mask.

I slowly open the door, gripping my knife tightly, ready for any attacks. "Who are you?" I said, narrowing my eyes. Why does his eyes look familiar?

"Alesia sent me to give you a message. Be careful who you trust, your most loved one can be an enemy too." His voice was deep. He turned around to leave but I stabbed him arm making him scream.

Everyone comes rushing down the stairs hearing someone scream. "Sierra what are you doing?" Leonardo arched a brow.

"This man came here knocking the door telling me something about Alesia being alive." I said through gritted teeth.

No doubt she might be alive since I didn't see her body. Not giving anyone time to speak I drag him to the basement.

He looks through the cell like he has been here before. I tie him to a chair harshly making him hiss in pain.

"Now, you're going to tell me what my fucking birth giver wants. Okay?" I said giving him a wide reassuring grin. He gulped and looked around. Well, now you regret coming here don't you?

Sienna comes in with a deathly glare. She takes off his mask only it to be glued to his face. I grabbed a knife and handed it to her. She cuts the mask open and place it on the floor.

I look at the man in disbelief. "Alex?" I said biting the inside of my cheek in anger. He looks at the floor in regret. "You are going to wish, you never switched sides." I said pointing a threatening finger.

"Now tell me what does she want." I said looking at the tools. "She wants to take over the Italian mafia." He says almost immediately.

I take the knife and skin his hand then cutting his fingers. Using the knife, I took out both his eyes, he screams in agony. I take a bucket of battery acid and poor it in his empty eyes.

Sienna takes the whip and whips his back making slashes. "Why?" I asked cutting lines in his body. "B-because she wants p-power." He said stuttering through pain.

I take the revolver and stand up. "I thought you were better than this." I said shooting bullets all over his body. I walked to my room thinking about the message he said.

Who do I not trust? I can trust my twin, she has been with me through thick and thin. Family doesn't betray blood. Domenico? Luciano? Alec?

I walk towards the bathroom still deep in my thoughts. I turn my wrist over remembering how Sienna would find me on the floor blood seeping out of my wrists and thighs.

Ever since, I remember her horrid face, I have been clean. To be exact, 5 years and 2 months clean. I'm happy with that.

I tried not to think about self harm that much since it was always tempting. I put on my clothes and sat on my bed. I took out my phone and started playing a song while I read a book.

A knock made me stop the music. "Yes?" I shouted. "Dinner!" The voice said, I instantly recognize it to be Ace.

I open the door and went downstairs. Dinner was indeed on the table. I licked my lips and instantly went to my seat.

I immediately ate everything only slowing down at the last few bites. I walk to the sink and wash my plate. "You don't have to wash your plates. The maids can do that." I heard a voice say.

"Yea, I really don't but does it look like I'm letting the maids do it?" I said turning around, tilting my head. No one said a thing so I walked out of the kitchen and went into my bedroom.

Sienna walked in holding a box of chocolate. "What's this for?" I said quirking a brow. "You've been acting moody." She said shrugging. I nodded slowly.

"School is going to start tomorrow. Time flies quite fast now." She pursed her lips. "You won't ever betray me, right?" I asked for reassuring. She looked at me like I was fucking crazy.

"What kind of fucking question is that? You're not sick are you?" She asked, putting her hand on my forehead. "No I'm not. It's just that Alex told me something about 'be careful who you trust' and shit." I looking down at the floor.

The floor seems more interesting now.

"I will never betray you, okay?" She said putting her hands on my shoulder shaking me a bit. I nodded my head. "I'm going to go sleep so you can get out now." I said pushing her out the door playfully.

I lied down on the bed looking at the ceiling thinking about everything. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

I walk down the shops and heard someone speaking Russian. I look around and saw a kid speaking on the phone. He has a phone, how lucky.

"Yes, we will get the Italians soon." The kid said in Russian. This is one thing, I can thank that bitch for. "You want me to befriend the Italians?" His back was still facing me.

Italians? Does he mean mafia? I walk back a few steps then walk towards the direction of him making my footsteps heavy.

He instantly put away the phone and looked at me while I pretended to look around. "Hi, what are you doing here?" The kid said. "I'm just looking around. My sister is in the shop." I said pointing to the shop down the roads.

"What's your name?" He said with a small smile. "Sam. What's yours?" I said giving a fake name.


I woke up looking around to see I'm back in my bed. "Dom is a traitor, isn't he?" I mumbled to myself. 3:50 am.

I went to the gym and saw Sienna running on the treadmill with earphones in. I start running on the one next to her making look at me.

"I think Dom is a traitor. I got a dream about meeting him next to the shops you were still in the shop and he was talking in Russian." I said frowning. "Me too. I got a dream about meeting Luciano at the park while you were playing with grass."

"Let's ask them when they met Dom and Luciano. For me, I met him and it look like I was about ten." I said quietly. She agreed and I went back upstairs.

They are both here. Fuck.

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