¢нαρтєя 9

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Sierra's POV
I'm now waiting outside of school for Dom. "Hey darling." A voice said behind me. I slowly turned around to see Dom.

"Hey." I said with a small smile. He puts an arm around my shoulder. I leaned into the touch and walked with him.

He opens the door for me. "Ladies first." He gestures his hand. I chuckle and sat in the seat. He went towards the driver's seat.

"Let's go eat darling." He says putting his hand on my thigh rubbing circles. Butterflies fill my body.

We arrived at the restaurant and walked inside. "I hope you don't mind this restaurant." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

We walked to a table and sat down. "So tell me about yourself." He says looking at the menu. "Well my favorite color is red. I like to fight, race and dance. You?"

"My favorite color is black. I like to read, fight and race as well." He says with a smirk. I chuckled when he said read. "Yea reading. Like how you read at school?" I arched a brow.

His mouth open and closed. "Yes." He huffed then called a waiter. "What can I get for you handsome?" She bats her eyelash at him. How fucking pathetic.

He rolled his eyes looking annoyed. I laugh silently at his face. "A burger." He said looking at me. She wrote down what he wanted and was about to walk away.

I grab her shirt making her turn to me with a scowl. "Chicken rice please." I smiled sweetly. She wrote it down and walked away. "Why does she even have this job." I said with a fake pity.

He chuckled "You don't need to fake in front of me darling. I know exactly how you are. You don't care for anyone's feeling unless they are special to you." I rolled my eyes.

Another waiter came and placed our food in front of us. We talked about a lot of things and laughed.

We walked towards the car. "I have one more place." He says opening the door for me. He goes into his seat and drive down a road in very familiar with.

Soon he reaches the street race. I smiled "I want to see your skills." He says teasingly. "Whatever you do, do not race me ok? I'm also going to use a different street name." I said seriously. He nodded understanding.

I walked towards the same manager this time showing my face. "Would you like to race?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes put my name as Ashes." I said watching him writing it down. I walked away and walked towards Dom.

Soon the manager announced my name and a dude called Snake. I parked the car at the line waiting for the count down.

Boom! I press the accelerator and zoomed off. I swerved making him go the other side. Soon he crashed leaving me to win. The car burned slowly turning into ashes.

Dom seems proud. I walked towards him and hugged him. "Come on, we need to get you home darling." He says intertwining his hand with mine.

We reached the mansion and I got out. "I really like the date." I said kissing his cheek. "Me too." He said with a smile.

I opened the front door to see it was eerily quiet. I see Sienna in the shadows making a signal for me to come.

"What's going on?" I whispered "Someone came and attacked the whole family is over there unconscious." She said pointing to the family.

A guy that looks familiar circling them with a smirk. They all started to wake up and look around. "Well well well isn't this the famous D'Angelo family. I wonder where the twins are." The guy said. Sienna looked at me, she knew who it was.

"John." We both whispered at the same time. She gave me some knifes. "We kill the men behind holding them first." I nodded in agreement and threw my knifes hitting them on the forehead.

They all stand up then looked around wondering where the knifes came from and smirked. John or should I say Dimitri didn't know what to do.

He stood pale. We slowly walked up to him from behind. "Well well well isn't it the infamous Dimitri." I said mocking him.

Sienna giggled. Not the happy funny giggle. The cold warning giggle. He looked between us. We slowly stepped forward while he steps back. His breathing suddenly got heavy.

"Take him to the basement. I want him upside down." I said slicing his arms then walking away.

Some men came and cleaned the mess. They took Dimitri down to the basement. "Go rest. The whole family is coming tomorrow." Stephan ordered us and we all went to our separate rooms.

Hopefully tomorrow won't be bad.

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