¢нαρтєя 4

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Sierra's POV
"Please stop I didn't do anything to you!" I screamed trashing around the chair that I was tied up to. Sienna on my right with tears streaming down her face.

"What would be the fun in that?" The man said tilting his head to the side mocking me. He ripped off my shirt leaving me in my sports bra. He grabbed a whip and went behind me.

He started whipping me but I only gave whimpers not giving him the satisfaction. "Why aren't you screaming?!" He shouted then smirked. Evilly.

He took off my pants leaving me in my panties. My eyes widened in realization. Before I could react I was naked.

He took out a condom and put it on. Walking towards me like it's prey. Sienna whimpering not wanting to see what happens. She had bruises but less since I took most of the hit.

Tears streaming down my face. "STOP PLEASE STOP! WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?!" I screamed but it was pointless. He kept thrusting into me ignoring my pleads.

Him moaning in satisfaction and pleasure. I was screaming for him to stop.

"Wake up Sierra it's just a fucking dream." A voice said I looked around. No one was here except him and Sienna.

Suddenly my air way was clogged. I couldn't breathe. I screamed for him to stop yet he keeps going. I looked at my throat. Nothing was there but why was it so hard to breathe?

I woke up with sweat dripping down my face. I look around to see everyone here. Stephan, Giovanni, Lorenzo, Roman, Sienna, Liam and Alex. They all had worried written on their face. Sienna had pure horror in her eyes. Lorenzo looks livid.

I looked down at my throat. It was my own hands. I was chocking myself. "What the fuck was that?" Lorenzo's voice boomed through the room.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at Sienna. She came and sat next to my while I silently sob on her shoulder.

I looked up at the family and took deep breaths. Sienna gave me a reassuring nod. Liam left Alex looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"I guess we should tell you then huh?" I said jokingly trying to lighten up the mood.

"Do we tell them about the underground?" I whispered in German to Sienna. She nodded and looked down. I took deep breathes and looked back to the family.

"When we were younger, mom was like the perfect mother you could ever ask for. She was there for us. Well that is until she met Dimitri. He got her into drugs even tried to hit us but we never let that happen now. One night they were out drunk at a party. Someone came into the house and kidnap us. Now to think of it, it's probably Dimitri's doing. When we were there, I took most of the hits because I didn't want Sienna to get hurt. There was a guy who came in daily. He gave us a bread and a small cup of water. We were barely surviving. One day, he wanted to rape Sienna but I- um- I asked him to rape me instead." I said looking down. Water dripping onto my thighs.

Sienna looked at me knowing I couldn't continue. "After a long time maybe a year even. We were plotting an escape route. We observed everything. From when he would come and give us food to knowing which footsteps were his. So yeah we escaped then we went to the fighting area. The manager was nice enough to let us stay for a while and eat. He gave us clothes, food and a small place to stay. We asked what can we do to return the favor because we all know nothing comes for free. He said he wanted to train us. We agreed and became Merciless and Chaos. We started street racing as well. The manager saw how good we were in fights and races. He knew a guy who trains people to assassin. We were quite crazy at that time and decided to take risks. So here we are The Torturing Shadows." Sienna ended.

We looked at everyone expression. Everyone was angry but held a bit of pride for the last part. Alex looked like he was going to go on a killing spree. He was glaring at the wall so hard I think it would break down. "Should we throw water on them?" Sienna asked me.

I nodded slowly getting up but they talked before we could get the water. "You guys are so fucking strong." Giovanni said hugging us both.

We all ended up watching a movie and falling asleep. I couldn't sleep. I looked at the clock and it reads 3:24am. I decided to go to the gym since I was not getting any sleep soon.

I went to the punching bags and punched so hard I didn't realize there was blood until Alex came and led me to the bathroom. He gestured for me to sit on the counter and I did so.

He looked under the sink and grabbed a first aid kit. He started wrapping my hands. I got lost in my own world while staring at the Greek God that was wrapping my hands.

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Alex smirking at me catching me staring at him. Damn that smirk was hot though. "Thank you." I whispered. He nodded his head and left.

What the fuck is my feelings to him?

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