¢нαρтєя 10

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Sierra's POV
I woke up to Sienna bursting into my room. "You do realize the whole family is coming right? Like grandfather, grandmother, cousins, uncles, aunts." She continue to ramble until I threw a book that I was reading at her.

She pouted and I rolled my eyes. Getting up from the comfortable position I walked to the bathroom.

Sienna followed and curled my hair while I do my makeup. She walked to my closet and grabbed an outfit.

She put it on my bed and walked out telling me to hurry up. I walked downstairs after getting dressed. Sienna handed me my coffee.

Stephan came down paler than usual. "Did you actually write your will?" I asked Stephan "Yes." He said while nodding his head. The doorbell rang and he went 50 shades lighter. Sienna laugh at his face.

The maid went and open the door. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY GRANDDAUGHTERS?!" Someone shouted with a cold, chilling voice. The boys froze and we laughed. I sipped my coffee and went to the living room.

Everyone followed and we saw a man standing up. I looked at Sienna and she nodded mouthing 'grandpa'. I smirked.

I continue to drink my coffee. Everyone is looking at each other, their face having barely any color.

The man looked around the room and stopped at Sienna and I. We matched his gaze, "Do you think you can introduce us?" I asked Stephan not breaking eye contact. The tension was thick and the silence was loud.

I broke eye contact and looked at Stephan. "Are you okay?" I tilted my head and arched a brow. Sienna doing the same with a smirk.

"He looks like he is about to piss he pants." Sienna whispered to me and I nodded still keeping my neutral expression.

"I guess you're not then cause you're looking you're about to piss your pants." I said rolling my eyes.

We went around the room starting with the uncles. "What do you think his name is?" Sienna asked me.

I pretended to think but we have already know their names because of our curiosity for family. "Your name is Vincenzo." I said smiling. Everyone was shocked except grandpa. He looks like he already knows what we're doing.

We went onto the next one. "Your turn." I said to Sienna. "Alfonzo." She pointed at him with a finger. "Alessandro." "Daniel." "Niccolo." We named all the uncles and turned around to see everyone's jaw slightly open.

Grandpa sitting on the couch with a proud smirk. We winked at him and turned to Stephan.

"Can you like take over? I still want to drink my coffee." I said going over to the couch. Sienna following me.

"This is your aunts. Rose, Gabriella, Arielle and Lucy. This is your cousins. Valentino, Jake, Jacob, Blake, Diego, Ezra, Ethan. This is your grandmother. Isabell." Stephan said pointing to each one. We nodded and looked around. Grandpa stood up.

"I'm your grandpa. Call me that or nonno." He said, his voice made everyone shivered. "Sierra and Sienna please follow me." He said walking out the door. "Good luck." Everyone whispered. We walked out the room following him.

"I'm happy that you guys are back. Stephan and the boys seem much happier than before." He said smiling a little.

"I mean other than we are practically stalkers and know everything about you guys that's great." We both said shrugging.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "Should I be concern?" He asked looking at us. "No." We said in unison.

"You know it's kind of creepy when you do things at the same time. Like the same action." He said.

"We know." We said in unison again then started laughing. "I'm very happy you're back." He said smiling. We hug him and went back inside.

Everyone's jaws drop. "What the fuck did you do to my grandpa?" Jake asked shocked.

"We're his favorite duh." I said flipping my hair then started laughing. We all went to the dining room since it was already lunch. "I'm assuming you know about the mafia?" Nonno asked we both nodded.

"They don't need to be trained." Stephan said, he slowly nodded narrowing his eyes. "Is Dimitri still upside down?" Sienna asked eating her food. Stephan nodded. "Good good." I said with an evil smirk thinking about the ways to torture him.

"Well then I don't mind getting blood on my clothes." Sienna said and I nodded in agreement. "You might want a trash bag." I said finishing my food then putting it in the sink. "Everyone meet at the basement." Sienna said and we both walked to the basement.

We went through the doors and we both smiled wickedly. Everyone went to the one way glass where they can see and hear from the outside but we can't see or hear from the inside. Sienna and I went inside.

Dimitri is upside down so all the blood went to his head making it red. I untied his feet making him drop to the floor. "Fuck you." His voice cracked. "With your small dick? I'll pass." Sienna said putting him on a chair and tying him.

I walked towards the tools and saw everything I needed. "Let's start shall we?" I said walking behind him stabbing his back.

He screamed in pain. "Oh shut the fuck up bitch." I said pulling out the knife from his back. I tape his wound making him scream in pain again.

"So why did you target our mom?" Sienna asked playing with the knife. "Because I have been in love with her the whole time and that bitch went to marry your father. I also went to her because she left with you two and I thought three is better than one." He said smugly.

"Well at least he is honest." I said putting salt into his wounds. I plucked out his nails and put it up his nose. Sienna cut off his dick and fingers.

She put it on the table and used a hammer splattering it then shoving it in his mouth. I taped it shut making sure he can spit it out.

"That's your food. You're suppose to eat." I said patting his head. I took out a big knife and slowly cut his leg into pieces. Sienna poured gasoline over his body and putting him on fire. I took a bucket of cold water and poured it on him making the fire disappear.

I took off the tape and he spit out his dick and fingers that are all covered in saliva and blood.

I took the brass knuckles and punched him in the stomach. He screamed again. "S-stop ple-please." He begged.

We both let out a cold laugh. "Did you stop when we begged you?" I tilted my head in mockery. "N-no." He said coughing out blood. "Exactly. You're worst mistake was not killing us." Sienna said taking acid and pouring it on his wound.

He screamed again. I poured another cold water on him. All you can hear is his breathing and the sound of our shoes. Sienna took a saw and slowly cut through his neck. "Goodbye." We both said with a grin.

She cut his head off and it flew across the room. The headless corpse sat on the chair as our prize. "Hmm I'm going to make this look better." I said taking a knife. I cut open the chest and stab the knife into his heart. Sienna went to grab the head and put it on the lap.

We took out our phones and snapped a picture. Everyone entered the room. "Good job. I enjoyed the show you put on. The boys could never." Nonno praised us also taking out his phone and taking a picture.

"What a lovely family reunion." Sienna said clapping. We all went upstairs and spent the day laughing and talking.

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