¢нαρтєя 12

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Sierra's POV
After Nonno asked us to wrap our hands, we heard him look at underground fights. Right then and there we knew he knew about us.

Oh shit!

We took off our wraps and went upstairs as normally as possibly. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a drink, Sienna doing the same.

We both went to the living room. Loud, harsh footsteps booming through the house. We all knew it was Nonno.


Oh he mad mad. I thought in my mind. Everyone looked at Stephan and Giovanni. "Damn I love you more than I already did." Nonna squealed and hugged us both. "What?" I said tilting my head in confusion.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Nonno said through gritted teeth. "I thought Sierra and Sienna should be the one telling you." Stephan said looking everywhere but him.

"Next time tell me. I don't care what it is just tell me." Nonno said with a warning glare and left the room. "I thought I was going to die." Stephan mumbled and turned on the tv. "Dinner is ready!" Nonna yelled from the kitchen.

I took the remote and turned the tv off then went to the kitchen. Everyone immediately went to sit.

I guess when Nonna cooks food it's great. I looked around the table to see Roman eating sloppily. Food dripping down his chin onto his shirt.

I grimace making everyone look at Roman. Ezra took a tissue and threw it at him. His head snaps up and sees us looking at him. "What?" He says with food in his mouth. "I swear to god he is a pig." Sienna muttered in Arabic.

Nonno and Nonna laugh "Certainly is a pig." Nonno said confirming. Sienna and I both smirk looking at each other. The people we call pig in Arabic are the people who we prank on. If we say it in a different language that means we're just calling them pigs.

I wink at her telling her to meet in my room. We continued eating then went to my room. "Alright what's the plan." I said grabbing a pen and notebook ready to write down. "How about we control his room through the security cameras. I heard people can do that." Sienna said grabbing her laptop.

She started typing fast then she smirked in victory "I did it." She showed me her laptop. I wrote down everything we planned and it will take place tonight.

I went downstairs and grabbed some snacks. I went upstairs to see Roman's room door opening and closing. The lights flickering on and off.

I went back to my room and watch Sienna turn off the fan and open the windows. He woke up and looked around. Sienna flick the lights again and he started screaming like a girl. Soon the whole family wakes up and goes to our room. "What happen we heard you guys scream?" Stephan said everyone else holding their guns.

"Us? Screaming? Oh no, that's Roman." I said with a smug smile. Sienna pressed a button making his door open and close. He started screaming again. The whole family sigh and went to his bedroom. "What happen?" Lorenzo said.

"T-there's a ghost." Roman stuttered looking around "It open the windows, door, it turned the fan on and off. It even open and closed the door." He said pulling the duvet higher as he rock back and forth.

"Your room looks fine." Ace said looking around the room. It was indeed fine. We watched them through the cameras. "Go back to sleep. You can go to a guest room if you want." Giovanni said walking out of the room. Everyone else following.

Suddenly, everyone's phone pinged. I looked at my phone and saw the school is opening next week. I looked at my Instagram and saw I haven't post in a while. I posted the picture of Dimitri's body.

Sienna's phone pinged again and looked at me. She sighed and shook her head. "Let's go to bed." I nodded in agreement. Just as I was about to sleep, I heard glass shattering. Sienna instantly woke up.

We both went to our weapon drawer and took out everything we needed. I took a katana and a gun. We both head out the room and checked on everyone. No one was in their room. We walked downstairs and saw everyone fighting.

Some people coming for us. I took out my katana and slice their neck. I went to each men slicing their neck. Someone kicked my katana out of my head and started charging for me with a needle in hand.

"Fine you want to play dirty like that. We'll play dirty like that." I said getting into my stance. Three men came to me at once. "That's a little unfair don't you think? Three grown men and one little me. It would be so sad if you ended up dying from a little girl." I said provoking them.

I punched one in the face and kick his shin. He face morphed into pain and started fighting again. I punched his stomach and he fell onto the floor, I stepped on his dick probably breaking it. He screamed in pain. I took my gun and quickly shoot them all in the head.

Everyone looked around, men dead on the floor. Suddenly there's a hand over my face. The same with Sienna. A gun at our head. "Dude if you're going to shoot me just do it." I said my voice muffled by the hand. I pushed my head towards the gun.

There was a pinch on my neck and I started get drowsy. There was shooting again. "NO NO NO WE CAN'T LOOSE THEM! FUCKING SHOOT!" I heard Nonno shout. I tried to fight to stay awake and saw black dots. Don't close your eyes Sierra.

More black dots invade my vision. My eyes getting heavier. I look over to Sienna and saw she's doing the same. I quickly slid a knife into my sleeves. I looked at the family and they are winning. Diego looked over and saw me. I pointed at my necklace as a sign that there is a tracker in there.

He nodded and started fighting again. Two men came and dragged Sienna and I. I closed my eyes and went into darkness.

I hope they can find us.

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