¢нαρтєя 23

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Third person's POV
Sienna sat there wondering how long will this take to be over.

Ivan and Alesia were in a cell along with Domenico and Luciano.

Giovanni sat in his office doing paperwork.

All of them were still angry at how Dom and Luciano betrayed them and were working with the enemy.

Ezekiel and Nova had found out what happened from their hacking skills and from how Sienna told them.

They both want to marry the twins but wanted to wait for the perfect timing. They also need to meet the family first.

They wanted the years to go by fast. Since the twins were still in high school. Not wanting to rush anything that distracts them from their studies.

Sierra sat there wondering if her past was worth for the future. Did what she go through was worth this family?

She was half thankful that Alesia kidnapped her. If she didn't she wouldn't have known Ezekiel.

They still needed to finish the year then they get to graduate high school. The twins were deciding if they wanted to go to college or not.

They would prefer not to. Maybe it was because they wanted to spend time with the family or maybe other reasons.

The whole family walks to the basement ready to end this pathetic war that was started from jealousy.

It was stupid enough that the war started but the worst thing was it started from jealousy.

They were all tied up tightly to chains. A shock collar around their neck. The twins looked at them and thought the same thing.


They both got rid of their unwanted dirty thoughts as this wasn't the time.

"So you're telling me you started this pathetic fucking war because you were jealous?" Stephan wanted a confirmation on what made them do something that stupid.

"Yes." Ivan confirmed his thoughts. "But you knew you couldn't win if you tried." Sierra pointed out.

"So? He got Alesia and I want her." Ivan said stubbornly. "You could've gotten a divorce." Sienna said a scowl forming on her face.

"Yes I could but I didn't." Alesia said raising her eyebrows. "Why did you take us if you knew you were going to be a horrible mother?" Sierra wanted answers to the unspoken questions.

"Because you were the first girl in generations and you were their most loved and their weakness." Alesia shrugged like it was no big deal.

"You want to act like that fine. We will treat you exactly how you did with us. Let that remember your actions have consequences. This is fucking karma." Sierra said cutting the back of her shirt and whipping her.

Sienna took the knife and carved multiple names.







The whole family was angry at the names. There were in fact names on their back.

It faded over time but some were still very noticeable since Alesia carved it so deep.

The twins tortured Alesia while the whole family has a turn on the others.

The twins both grabbed knifes putting it on their mothers neck, hopping that this will be the last thing so they could relax.

"You are a shit mother." Sierra said, her words lacing with disgust. "Next time fuck with a condom." Sienna said putting more pressure on the knife.

Both of them pushing their knifes into her neck slicing only a bit of skin. "Oh you think we were done?" Sierra asked mockingly.

"Very ugly eyes you got there. Maybe you would like prettier without them." Sierra said with a smile. Alesia's eyes widen in fear as she start trashing around the chair.

Sierra puts the knife under her eyes slowly pushing in making her scream in pain.

She flicked her wrist causing the eye to fly out. She did the same to the other one.

"Maybe you would look better with battery acid." Sienna said excited.

"S-stop." Her voice hoarse from all her screams of agony.

"You didn't stop when we asked you to so therefore we do what you did." Sierra said, handing the bucket of acid to her twin.

It got to the point where Alesia didn't have a voice to scream anymore. Her mouth wide open in pain.

The twins both decided they had enough. Sienna held her knife to Alesia's neck while Sierra held her knife to Alesia's forehead.

At the same time, they both plunge in their knife. Blood oozing out of her body.

Acid overflowing her eyes with blood. They looked over their shoulder, seeing Giovanni punching Ivan with brass knuckles.

Domenico and Luciano were already dead considering they tortured them first.

As they spent the rest of the day watching their family torture Ivan. They couldn't help but think,

Is this over? Will there be peace now?

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