Quarantine #27

879 130 238

[372A High Street:]

Joyeuse: In light of recent embarrassing events—

Edward: You promised we'll never talk about that one.

Futhark: Anong that one?

Joyeuse: So me and Edward were fishi—

Edward: (covers Joyeuse's mouth)

Futhark: You were doing something illegal and then what happened?

Laevateinn: They tried to sell my pictures online.



Joyeuse: HAHAHAHA.

Laevateinn: Hermod bought a lot.

Futhark: That's the embarrassing part?

Joyeuse: No, the embarrassing part was Edward trying to act like Laevateinn.

Futhark: ... And...?

Joyeuse: That was it.


Futhark: Nasubukan n'yo na bang sagutan mga module n'yo?

(Sir Lance walks in.)

Lance: Boys, you have a minute?

Joyeuse: Nope.

Futhark: Ano po 'yon Sir?

Edward: May ginagawa po kami.

Laevateinn: Brother I am hungry.

Lance: I was going to say, Henry's coming over and staying with us.

Joyeuse: Nope.

Futhark: Oh, ihahanda ko po 'yung kwarto.


Laevateinn: We could play hopscotch and then I could try and kill him.

Lance: I'm picking him up. I'm leaving the house to you and Arthur so please, PLEASE don't burn it down. Edward, you're in charge.

Edward: Me? :D

Joyeuse: Because if ever something goes wrong, you can pay for it.

Edward: Oh no.

Lance: (to Futhark, secretly) You're in charge.

Futhark: Opo.

Lance: See ya later.

(Sir Lance leaves. Some minutes after, Sir Arthur joins the boys at the living room.)

Arthur: I'm going to play video games, move.

Edward: (stands on couch and points at Arthur) I'm in charge, NO VIDEO GAMES FOR YOU!

Arthur: (stares at Edward) (plugs Xbox in)

Joyeuse: You're not convincing enough to sound like Lance.

Edward: I could copy Sir Dad's voice.

Joyeuse: Yeah but it's weird coming from a tiny human person.

Laevateinn: (parts his hair in the middle and points at Arthur) (monotonously) I am Heimdall, son of Odin, you will not play the video games today.

Edward: You don't sound like Sir Dad either.

Joyeuse: You sound like you wanna take Arthur and his rooster on a boat to defeat Te Ka and restore the heart of Te Fiti.

Futhark: (laughs and parts his hair in the middle too) Boys, stop having fun and clean the basement.

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon