Quarantine #2

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[One morning, 372A High Street:]

Lance: Futhark, ikaw na ang mamalengke. Here's my credit card and here's some cash.

Futhark: Sir hindi po ako pwedeng lumabas, wala po akong quarantine pass.

Edward: What's that?

Joyeuse: That's a government-issued pass that will allow one person per household to leave the house and run errands.

Edward: Oh, like a human sacrifice.

Futhark: Hindi rin po naka-schedule ang barangay natin para sa palengke ngayon.

Edward: Schedule?

Joyeuse: To avoid the downpour of shoppers, the markets assigned a day for each barangay to do their shopping—seriously Edward Dace were you not watching the news?

Edward: I wasn't, I spent the last week playing all Zelda games.

Joyeuse: Have you played Zelda Monopoly?

Edward: No.

Joyeuse: Then your statement is a lie, you dwarf.

Edward: 'Di ba may hika kang gago ka? Sir Lance si Joyeuse po palabasin natin.

Arthur: (from upstairs) I got a quarantine pass. An officer came by yesterday and asked how many families lived here.

Lance: So... did you say we're one happy family?



Lance: Did you say we're a happy couple living with four adorable children and a wolfdog?


Arthur: The officer was Cassandra Aragon.

Lance: Oh.

Lance: So did you say we're a happy couple living with three adorable children, a wolfdog, and Jule Lewis Uresonderry?

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon