Quarantine #19

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[372A High Street:]

Lance: Okay we're all set! Futhark, go and call Jule and the others so we can start the celebration.

Futhark: Opo!


Futhark: Boys? (opens door) Kakain na, anong ginagawa n'yo?

Laevateinn: (from a fort made of Viking shields and knight's armour) Apples?

Futhark: Lae? Nasaan sina Ed at Jo?

Edward: (from under the table) Present!

Futhark: Ed? Hindi na kayo nakapaglinis, anong ginawa n'yo? Bakit mas gumulo 'yung kwarto? (steps on a broken vase) (gasps) Nakabasag kayo?!

Laevateinn: We waged war against each other and I won.

Edward: Second ako.

Futhark: Si Joyeuse, nilibing n'yo na?

Laevateinn & Edward: (glances up)

Futhark: Anong tinitingnan n'yo sa taa—(looks up) OH MY GOD BAKIT N'YO DINUCT TAPE SI JOYEUSE SA CEILING?!

Laevateinn: Because he lost.

Edward: (chuckles at the memory) Yeah I made a great marksman.

Joyeuse: Please kill me already.

Futhark: Na-picturan n'yo na 'to, Ed?

Edward: Heheheyes.

Futhark: Oh ibaba n'yo na, kakain na tayo.

Joyeuse: DON'T DROP ME.

Edward: Dude, believe me it's very hard not to.

Laevateinn: (pulls duct tape off from the ceiling)

Joyeuse: (falls on Futhark and Edward)

Laevateinn: I regret nothing.

After a while...

Edward, Futhark, Joyeuse, & Laevateinn: (arrives)

Lance: (shoots party popper at Joyeuse's face)

Arthur: (throws Gullin at Joyeuse)

Lance & Arthur: Congratulations!

Arthur: You're one step closer to death!


Joyeuse: (takes one step away from Laevateinn) Am I one step away from death now?


Futhark: (brings cake and lights up candles) Kakanta na po ba tayo?

Edward: Why are you the one holding the cake?

Futhark: Alam kong isusupalpal n'yo 'to sa mukha ni Joyeuse pagkatapos n'yang hipan.

Lance: True.

Edward: Pwede mo namang ilapag sa lamesa para makaihip ka rin.

Futhark: Alam kong ingungudngod n'yo si Joyeuse sa cake kung ganon.

Joyeuse: You know, I'm right here in front of you.

Laevateinn: (is quietly checking Arthur's new pet)

Joyeuse: And why is there only one candle?

Lance: Oh, you want nineteen candles like a child?

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon