Actor AU! Interview #3

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(Characters' personalities based on HoA (2012) and STBK (2013).)

Have fun reading!

"Ciao! HeadphonesAndLuck here and we're back at it again with the actors of the rubbish I write for fun! For today's episode, we have, doodeedoodoo, the Coronado Chronicles!"

(audience applause)

"First we have the youngest member! Noir Brown, a.k.a. Mistletoe!"

(nothing happens)


Excalibur: (peeks from the backstage) Yeah he's shy, sasabay na lang daw po s'ya kay Joyeuse.

"But Joyeuse's not here."

Excalibur: Kung pwede raw bang tawagin si Joyeuse at papuntahin sa audience for moral support.

(somebody throws Mistletoe from backstage to the couch in front of the host)

"Well hello there."

Mistletoe: (panics and covers his face)

"I better give you company quick. Next we have Macey Velasquez also known as Macey, Mace, Macerooni, or simply Macey!"

Macey: (smiles and waves at the audience) (sits beside Mistletoe)

Mistletoe: (hides behind Macey)

Macey: Si Harry po ang nagbato kay Mistletoe, share ko lang.

"We figured. Next is our power couple-"

("What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction plays)

"Nope, nope, it's not his turn. Our power couple, Travis Peralta a.k.a. Excalibur and Snorri Viernes a.k.a. Clarent!"

Clarent: (drags Excalibur from the backstage)

Excalibur: (is trying to finish his burger)

"Yaaaaayyy, there they are! Travis, me boy! Clarent! Oi oi!"

Excalibur: (sits on the couch and drinks water)

Clarent: (is much friendlier) (smiles and waves) Hi! Thank you for inviting us. We're not really a couple because Travis is taking forever to ask me out.

"Oh, if he chickens out, will you marry me?"

Clarent: Nope.

"Worth the shot. Next we have the wickedly organised Associate Editor, Cian Gomez a.k.a. Mommy Val a.k.a. Ichaival!"

Ichaival: (nods his head down politely) (smiles charmingly at the audience)

"There we go! Nice one Narreh! Woohoo! Also can we get some water for that audience who fainted over there-"

Excalibur: (offers his water bottle to the girl)

"And last but not the least! Our one and only Editor-in-Chief, Harold Coronado! He's best known for his curly hair, deep dimples, and crazy shenanigans! Zweihändeeeeeer!"

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon