Chatroom #26

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Cian Gomez is online

Adelaide Grace is online

Cian: Hello, Ms. Adelaide Grace?

Adelaide: Yes, hello?

Cian: I'm aware of you messaging Harold Coronado.

Adelaide: Yes, and?

Cian: Please stop talking to him. He's quite busy as it is. He clearly has no time for romance or relationships and he needs to focus on his studies and taking care of his chicklings first.

Adelaide: ...

Adelaide: Understood.

Cian: Thank you.

Adelaide: How many girls did you message something like this?

Cian: That is none of your business, no offense.

Adelaide: None taken. Have a great day, Ichaival.

Cian: Wait why did you call me Ichaival?

Adelaide Grace is offline

Cian: Weird.

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon