Quarantine #28

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One normal evening in 372A High Street...

Futhark: (changing the sheets of Edward's bed) Edward, Lae, anong oras na. Sinasabi ko sa inyo kapag hindi kayo gumising nang maaga bukas.

Edward: (is playing on his phone) Hinihintay ko lang matapos maligo si drama queen, matutulog na rin ako.

Laevateinn: (is reading a book on the floor) I don't know why you keep asking us the time, Futhark, there's a big wall clock over there.

Futhark: (sighs loudly and puts his hands on his waist) (blows his bangs away)

Futhark: Napakatagal maligo nitong si Joyeuse aba?

Edward: Yeah it's weird, usually he's the fastest one to take a shower.

Futhark: Kakatukin ko na nga, baka kung anong nangyari dito.

Edward: Maybe he slipped and fell into another dimension where everybody loves him.

Laevateinn: Or maybe he's just dead.

Futhark: Mag-ayos at maghanda na kayong dalawa para makatulog na kayo. (knocks on bathroom door inside their room) Jo? Ano na? Kinain ka na ng shower?

(No replies.)

Edward: Uy gago baka nadulas nga.

Laevateinn: Then he's dead.

Futhark: Jo? (knocks)

Edward: Lagot Fu buksan mo na baka nadulas 'yan.



Edward: Pero tatalikod muna kami.

Futhark: (sighs) Jo, bubuksan ko na 'yong pinto, ha. (grabs keys from the wall and unlocks bathroom door) Please have clothes on. Please have clothes on.

Joyeuse: (is sitting on the sink, wearing a robe, staring at the wall full of writings and computations)

Futhark: Aalisin ko na talaga ang whiteboard marker sa banyo na 'to.

Joyeuse: (doesn't even notice Futhark)

Futhark: (grabs Joyeuse's ear and drags him out of the bathroom) Ed, ikaw na ang next na maligo.

Joyeuse: 'EY! I wasn't done! Bathroom was occupied! Occupied, Futhark, occupied!

Futhark: (wrestles with Joyeuse) Dito mo na ipagpatuloy sa labas ang pag-iisip mo, may whiteboard sa may kama ni Edward!

Joyeuse: I haven't rinsed my hair yet! (tries to push Futhark away)

Futhark: (is the man who can't be moved) Ang tagal-tagal mo sa banyo, hindi mo pa nabanlawan ang buhok mo?!

Joyeuse: I had a shower thought!

Edward: (takes his shirt off and heads to the bathroom) (sees the writings on the bathroom tiles) This is an equation and a recipe for homemade bombs, what were you hatching?


Joyeuse: A wee bird called "In Case Henry is Annoying".

Futhark: Picturan mo na, Ed, send mo na lang kay Joyeuse.

Edward: Is this legal?

Joyeuse: It's homemade, you bloody leprechaun. (goes inside the bathroom to rinse his hair on the sink)

Edward: (starts taking pictures of the wall)

Futhark: Lae, maghihilamos ka ba?

Laevateinn: (sniffs his shirt) I smell good.

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon