Quarantine #5

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[372A High Street, Lance's Room:]

Lance: (is on his laptop) 88, 87, 84, 84, 85, 88—

Arthur: (is on his laptop too) Please grade your papers quietly.

Lance: (loudly) 88! 86! 87! 82! 77! 86!

Arthur: I am trying to finish my papers for my doctorate, please don't be an asshole.

Lance: Dr. Gottfried Arthur Lukas—damn that's a mouthful. Dr. Lukas... sounds like a quack-witch-doctor. Hmm, Dr. Ducere has a nice ring to it.

Arthur: If you want to be called Dr. Ducere, why don't you get your own doctorate.

Lance: No what I meant was—

Arthur: Or you can take a sergeant's exam if you want a fancy title. You can even be a lieutenant if you worked harder.

Lance: No, I mean Dr. Ducere as in you're gonna be my—

Arthur: Maybe you can enrol in law school and be Atty. Ducere.

Lance: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

Arthur: (suppresses his laughter and nods at Lance)

Lance: Whatever, Dr. Ducere.

Futhark, Edward, & Joyeuse: (are awkwardly staring at the two)

Futhark, Edward, & Joyeuse: (are just trying to help Lance segregate test papers)

Edward: (whispers) Should we leave the room?

Joyeuse: (whispers back) If we left the room no work will be done.

Futhark: Just pretend you see and hear nothing, boys.

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon