Chatroom #24

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Harold Coronado is online

Adelaide Grace is online

Adelaide: Hi ;)

Harold Coronado is typing...


Harold Coronado unsent a message

Harold: Hello ;)

Adelaide: You think I'm pretty?

Harold Coronado is typing...

Harold Coronado is typing...

Adelaide: You still there?

Harold Coronado is typing...

Harold Coronado is typing...

Adelaide: Hello?

Harold: Hi ★~(◡ω◕✿)

Adelaide: Whatchu doin'?

Harold Coronado is typing...

Harold: Watching Kdrama.

Adelaide: Interesting. What Kdrama?

Harold: Law School. I just finished Suits and I Can Hear Your Voice.

Adelaide: I wasn't aware you're into that genre.

Harold: Yeah, I'm into professionals UwU

Adelaide: Lawyers? I'm a political science student myself.

Harold: Oooh, that's nice! Are you planning to be a lawyer?

Adelaide: Depends. What about you?

Harold: If you're planning to be a lawyer and are taking the bar exam, hit me up, we have a lot of law books and reviewers you can use!

Adelaide: Is that offer a way to see me and flirt with me?

Harold: No? It's open to everyone and anyone who wants to learn. I think education and learning materials must be free and accessible.

Adelaide: Oh. I agree.

Harold: Corporate or public attorney?

Adelaide: I haven't given it a thought.

Harold: If you would, mas malaki ang bayad sa corporate lawyers, but I assure you, if you become a public attorney, you're not just helping yourself but also those who can't afford justice.

Adelaide: Afford justice, huh. Wasn't aware that justice is something one "affords".

Harold: If you weren't aware of that fact, I beg you to be more aware of the world you live in and think of those who aren't as privileged as you.

Adelaide: Are you saying I'm privileged?

Harold: May kakilala ka bang walang makain dahil nawalan s'ya ng trabaho ngayong pandemic?

Adelaide: Yes, but he's fine now because my father took him in. He's currently washing the dishes and screaming at two children and a wolfdog. 

Harold: Yeah not all people has friends and families to take them in.

Adelaide: I'm aware of that.

Harold: And you still speak from the position of privilege?

Adelaide: Well what bloody position am I supposed to speak in?

Harold: Stop being selfish and speak for others who can't.

Harold: Also I'm sorry and if you still wanna flirt, please do.

Adelaide: I hate you.

Harold: Ouch.

Harold: Wait before you disconnect and before I go to my friend Val and cry, can I ask you something first?

Adelaide: What is it?

Harold: Why did you message me?

Adelaide: Interesting question.

Adelaide: I guess you struck me as someone who has lots of love to give.

Harold: I see.

Harold: I do love my friends and my country.

Harold: And Taylor Swift, Elsa, Beyoncé, Katy Perry...

Adelaide: Don't change, Harold. We need more people like you.

Harold: Yes, I will go out with you.

Adelaide: No I wasn't asking you out. Clearly you have no time for romance and relationships and someone just told me you "have to study and take care of your chicklings" first.

Harold: I do!

Harold: Teka, 'yan 'yong sinabi sa 'kin n'ong babaeng nakikipanglandian sa 'kin dati, ah. Magkakilala ba kayo?

Adelaide: Probably.

Adelaide: Anyway. Bye.

Adelaide Grace is offline

Harold: Mukhang pagtatawanan ako sa gc ah.

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon