Quarantine #23

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[Outside 372A High Street:]

Fenrir: (is running with Kürbis on his back)

Kürbis: (giggles and screams in excitement)

Fenrir: (runs until they reach the road where the chickens are)

Fenrir: Wooof.

Algernon the chicken: (clucks and approached them)

Fenrir: Woof! ("Do you know where she lives?")

Algernon: Cluck cluck! ("Where's Ferdinand?")

Fenrir: Woof, woof! ("In our house.")

Algernon: Cluck cluck cluck! ("Return Ferdinand to us first!")

Fenrir: Wooof. ("Don't be ridiculous, he's with Siegfried!")

Algernon: Cluck! ("It's not fair that he's the only one who gets to play with Siegfried!")

Fenrir: Wooof woof woof. ("He's not playing with Siegfried, he's held captive by Arthur.")

The chickens flock together, filling the air with loud, angry clucks.

"What do you mean Ferdinand is held captive?"

"Where is Ferdinand?"

"Release Ferdinand!"

"I'm hungry!"

Fenrir: ...

Fenrir: (runs)

The angry flock of chickens chases Fenrir.

Fenrir: (runs until he escapes the chickens)

Fenrir: (hides behind a tree, panting) (looks behind him)

Fenrir: (sighs in relief)

Fenrir: (notices Kürbis is not with him anymore)

Fenrir: Awwooooo! ("Fuuuuuck.")

[372A High Street:]

Laevateinn: (wakes up) Fen?

Laevateinn: (goes to the kitchen, rubbing his eye) Fenrir?

Edward: Good morning Lae, pwedeng pakitali si drama queen sa puno sa labas?

Laevateinn: Where's Fenrir?

Joyeuse: Was he not with you?

Edward: Where's Kürbis?

Joyeuse: Was sHE NOT WITH YOU?

Edward: I thought she was with you?!?

Laevateinn: (whistles) Feeeeeeen where are you?

Joyeuse: Let's go look for Kürbis.

Laevateinn: No let's look for Fenrir.

Edward: No offense but he's literally a massive jet black wolfdog. Mas madaling makita si Fenrir kaysa kay drama queen o sa konsensya ni drama queen.

Joyeuse: My conscience is well-hidden.

Laevateinn: Fenrir could track down Kürbis with his nose.

Edward: That makes sense.

Edward: The conscience and the nose thing.

Laevateinn: Now let's go look for Fenrir.

Joyeuse: Fenrir is probably out to pee or take a walk or—

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon