Chatroom #29

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JL Uresonderry is online
Snorri Viernes is online

JL: Hey, you bloody witch.

Snorri: Wow good afternoon din sa 'yo, bruha.

Snorri: Anong nangyari at tunog galit ka? Nabasted ka ba LOL

JL: typing...

JL: typing...

Snorri: Tagal magreply asar

JL: We're walking. I'm not exactly Edward Dace who can text with his eyes closed.

Snorri: Edi mamaya ka magtext. Excited yarn???

JL: I'm texting you now because I want to cancel the assignment you gave me.

Snorri: Why???

JL: Futhark will kill me.

Snorri: Ano

Snorri: Anong ginawa mo huy

JL: Nothing.

JL: It's just that ever since I said I like Futhark, I've been turning into a dysfunctional mess and my mind falls into shambles whenever I'm near him or whenever I see him.

Snorri: That's great!

JL: No it's bloody not. I need my brain, Clare. If I can't think straight, might as well not think at all.

Snorri: Can't think straight.

Snorri: Try thinking gay hahahahaha

JL: You should really stop hanging out with Zweihänder.

Snorri: I think you love Futhark.

Snorri: Love na, hindi like.

JL: Oh bugger.

Snorri: Why???

JL: I don't wanna love Futhark, what the hell am I going to do with all the feelings?

Snorri: Well, tell him?

JL: Nah he'll think he's special. He'll start bossing me around just because I love him. The nerve of that guy.

Snorri: What do you want to do with those feelings anyway?

JL: Drop 'em somewhere and get rid of them.

Snorri: GAGA

JL: They're too much to handle, Clare! And they're dangerous! I might die!

JL: Do you know how big of a bother it is when Futhark comes into view and the world turns rosy? I need all the proper colours of the world, Clare!

Snorri: Alam mo hindi ko alam kung sa 'yo ako maaawa o kay Futhark.

JL: I'm just going to get drunk and hopefully tomorrow I wake up hating Futhark instead of loving him.

Snorri: Ayaw mo talaga?

Snorri: O takot ka?


JL: When I see you again, I am going to pull your hair.

Snorri: Weak.

JL: I don't punch women.

Snorri: You don't punch men either. Di ka lang yata talaga makasuntok e.

JL: I hate you, why am I even talking to you?

Snorri: Dahil besties tayo yie 💖

JL: I'm turning my phone off, bye.

Snorri: Seriously tho, Jo. It's up to you kung gusto mong itapon yung feelings mo kay Futhark o kung gusto mong ibigay sa kanya, but I'm telling you

Snorri: Those feelings are real and genuine. Tingin ko ay natatakot ka kasi wala kang puso before at sanay kang magjowa without feelings so this one is new

Snorri: Love feels great, so i-enjoy mo lang, Jo.

JL: I don't enjoy my breath being taken away from me.

Snorri: Does he make you happy?

JL: Hmm.

JL: He makes me weak.

Snorri: Gagi napasigaw ako

JL: But at the same time, he makes me strong. Like in that One Direction song, Strong.

Snorri: Pakinggan mong mabuti yung kanta tapos balik ka sa 'kin, sabihin mo kung anong desisyon mo.

JL: Stop giving me assignments.

Snorri: Then stop giving me the latest tea about your love life!

JL: Why are we even friends?

Snorri: Nagpasabog tayo ng mga bandido!

JL: Yeah I'm turning my phone off now.

Snorri: Bye bruha 😘

JL Uresonderry is offline
Snorri Viernes is offline

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