Quarantine #41

350 43 67

The team, separated once again.


[Edward and Orion:]

Edward: Writer ka rin po 'di ba, Kuya Orion?

Orion: Yeeeaahh, I write novels =u=

Edward: (Fanboy Mode: ON)

Edward: Soooo anything I might've read?


Orion: That depends. How old are you?

Edward: 17.

Orion: Hmm.

Edward: Do you write uhm, R18—

Orion: No I just use a lot of pen names depending on the genre.

Edward: You didn't answer my question but alright.

Orion: I have mystery novels, you might like that.

Edward: I do! Tell me!

Orion: Aaahhh I changed my mind, it's embarrassing

Orion: I have Dave Casedale Drew's books though, you might like him!


Edward: I don't know what to say.

Orion: Nowee likes his books too!

Edward: Of course he does. Noir idolises Dave so much, it's a surprise he hasn't made an altar for him yet.

Orion: That's why I made Dave a character in my novel and tortured him ❤️


Edward: I think I know what to say now.

[Team Henry and Forseti:]

Forseti: (hasn't moved since he got there, watching Henry play with dogs)

Henry: (stands up and catches his breath) Whoo! That was FUN!

Henry: I need to stop now though, sumasakit na ang likod at mga kasu-kasuan ko. (brushes his shirt and waves goodbye to the caretaker) Bye Jamila!


Henry: (notices Forseti on his way out)

Henry: Please tell me you didn't wait for ten minutes.

Forseti: I didn't.

Henry: (sighs in relief) Oh thank gods. Papatayin ako nina Heim kapag nalaman nilang pinaghintay kita nang matagal.

Forseti: I waited for 45 minutes.

Forseti: My knees hurt, Hermod.

Henry: (drops to the ground) UUWI AKO NANG NAKALUHOD, I'M SO SORRY.

Forseti: I am hungry too.

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon