Quarantine #44

619 49 57

And their separate sagas continue...


[Team Futhark and Ruhmfried:]

Futhark: (is dragging Ruhmfried by the hand)

Futhark: (has been dragging Ruhmfried for the past ten minutes)

Ruhmfried: (doesn't mind, is amused)

Futhark: (brings Ruhmfried to the boundary between San Lorenzo and Sta. Lucia)

Futhark: We're here~

Ruhmfried: (looks around)

Ruhmfried: Where's Niall?

Futhark: (points at the mountains near Sta. Lucia) Somewhere there.

Ruhmfried: (tiptoes to see the horizon) That's kinda far.

Futhark: Yeah but that's reaaally where Niall is.

Ruhmfried: (pushes lip to one side)


Futhark: Okay, bye. (leaves)

[Team Mystery Novel Writers:]

Edward: So anong regalo naman ang pwede kong ibigay sa isang taong hindi nakaramdam ng pagmamahal mula sa mga magulang n'ya, tapos hindi pa s'ya nakapag-Pasko nang ayos noong bata s'ya kasi kailangan n'yang alagaan ang nanay n'yang may sakit lalo na't mahirap lang sila?

Orion: Therapy sessions.

[Team Lukas:]

Laevateinn: (is eating ice cream a street vendor is selling) (sits by the pavement)

Arthur: (sits beside Laevateinn, Gullin still on his head)

Fenrir: (is distributing ice cream to all their animal friends)

Laevateinn: I am feeling the Christmas spirit again, brother.

Arthur: Good to know.

Laevateinn: Do you feel it?

Arthur: Hmm.

Laevateinn: You're surrounded by animals and we're eating ice cream. There are Christmas carols blaring from the plaza speakers. Children are running around. How can you not feel the Christmas spirit?

Arthur: To be fair, I haven't really felt anything other than dread for the past twenty-three years.

Laevateinn: You are a sad sack, brother.

Arthur: (grins)

Arthur: Maybe I feel something akin to Christmas spirit.

Laevateinn: (tilts head)

Arthur: You calling me "brother" brings me back to the happier days.


Laevateinn: (puffs cheeks)

Arthur: (pokes Laevateinn's cheek) It may not be that grand, but it makes me happy.

Laevateinn: (smiles and pokes Arthur's cheek too) Frohe Weihnachten, Bruder.

Arthur: (puffs cheeks and looks down)

Laevateinn: (announcing to his animal army) Let's return home, men!

Fenrir: (reports back to Laevateinn)

Laevateinn: (raises eyebrow)

Fenrir: (barks some more)

Arthur: Oh no.

Fenrir: (finishes report with a howl)

Laevateinn: ...

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon