Quarantine #31

760 88 134

A development that isn't in the timeline of any of the official books?

What is the bloody author planning?!


A gentle reminder that none of these events are canon.


One day in 372A High Street, in SMS's Room:

Futhark: Kailangan mo akong kausapin, Jo?

Joyeuse: Yes, and can you lock the door, please?

Futhark: Kakain na, hindi ba pwedeng mamaya na 'yan?

Joyeuse: Relax, Lance and Arthur are still picking up the test papers and Edward's still trying to hack into BoobsAreGreat's account.

Futhark: O...kay? (sits on Edward's bed) What do you need?

Joyeuse: (leans closer) (whispers, cautious of eavesdroppers) So you've read Henry's challenge, right?

Futhark: Alin, ang pumasok ka araw-araw sa mga klase mo at gumalang sa mga prof?

Joyeuse: Yeah that's bullshit, I don't care about that. Henry thinks I'm single because I couldn't get any girl and I want to prove him wrong.

Futhark: Oh.

Futhark: And... bakit mo ako kailangan?

Joyeuse: Because he's right and I don't want to admit it.

Futhark: He's right that you can't get a girl?

Joyeuse: It's been a while since I've talked to a girl, and this pandemic made me hate talking to other people in general. I'm worried my communication skills are going rusty.

Futhark: M-Mahiyain din ako pagdating sa mga babae, mali ka ng pinagtanungan.

Joyeuse: Nah just let me practise talking to you before I talk to a real girl.

Futhark: Kailan ang deadline?

Joyeuse: Tomorrow, so I need to talk to one tonight. Would Alice be willing to at least pretend to be my girlfriend?

Futhark: No she would not.

Joyeuse: Oh bugger. Cassandra is too busy, Calliope is engaged, Keira is in Singapore, Chris is probably rotting somewhere...

Futhark: Mahilig ka sa C or sa may K sounds ano?

Futhark: Wait sino si Chris, ngayon ko lang narinig ang ex na 'yan.

Joyeuse: Maybe I should just go to the mall and pick up a date there.

Futhark: Joyeuse masamang mangidnap ng tao.

Joyeuse: Or maybe I should call Freyja? But she's not into relationships. Would she accept if I told 'er it's to piss Henry off?

Futhark: Why would you even fake a relationship just to prove someone wrong?


Joyeuse: Sometimes I feel like you don't know me at all.

Futhark: Yeah wala kang puso at tingin mo sa mga relationships ay laro-laro lang.

Joyeuse: There you go.

Futhark: I'm telling you, give up. Mahirap humanap ng girlfriend sa isang araw.

Joyeuse: (phone dings)

Futhark: ?

Joyeuse: (three consecutive notifications from his phone)

[GODSFORRENT Special] Seven-Minute Semblance in QuarantineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon