Chapter 1: Unexpected Visit

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Tw// swearing, kidnapping, weapons

"Stop right there, Fundy!"

"Catch me if you can!"

*Fundy jumps into bushes*

The cops looked at the bush Fundy had jumped in. They looked at each other and slowly backed away

"Hey Skeppy, you know what to do" Fundy had whispered

Just then, Skeppy, along with Schlatt, TapL and Eret, grabbed each cops' hands and held a knife to their neck. Once they did that, Fundy stepped out of his hiding place, with a gun in hand.

"You four have a choice," Fundy said as the cops were ordering for the others to let them go. "Don't tell the Chief and we'll spare you. If you tell them," Fundy clicked his gun. "Let's just say you won't see light."

The cops looked at one another and nodded their heads. One of them, female in appearance, said "Fine, just don't kill us." In an even tone.

Fundy smiled "Very well then." He said as he put away his gun "However, why not give you a warning if you do tell."

Skeppy moved his knife through one of the cops neck, causing them to collapse to the ground. "That's your warning." He said. The others gave the other cops a death stare then shoved them to the ground and walked away, leaving the cops there, trying to help their friend.

"Next time, I do the silting" Schlatt said, unamused, while they were walking away.

Fundy just laughed "Yeah I'll let you do it next time." He said sarcastically

Schlatt looked at Fundy with anger "Well you should-" he started yelling

Fundy, with no hesitation, took out his knife and held it towards Schlatt's neck, cutting Schlatt off.

"Look here you motherfucking goat. Remember, I'm the leader here, you aren't. Feel lucky that I haven't even decided to cut your tail off. " he said harshly

Eret looked at them both "Alright you two, cut it out. This is literally the time where THEY coming out."

Fundy looked at Eret, with eyes that showed hatred "We do not talk about THEM right now"

Fundy and the leader of Smiles, Dream/Clay, had a very bad history between each other.

Skeppy looked at the watch on his wrist. "It's 6:05 pm, we should head to base."

Fundy nodded his head and took the knife away from Schlatt's neck, leaving a cut on the side.

Schlatt put his hand over the cut "Let's just go back." he said, trying to not show pain in his eyes.

Fundy smirked "Alright." He took out his phone and called Ponk to pick them

P: "oh hey Fundy."

F: "Yeah, hey, but we're near the bus stop next to the grocery

"Ok heading there."

"By the way, Schlatt got in a little incident, so bring some bandages."

"oh alright"

*Hangs up*

TapL took off his square-ish mask "Well when is he going to arrive?"

Fundy shrugged "my guess would be around 3 minutes? You know Ponk, driving at speed that would almost get him in trouble ."

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now