Chapter 3: More trouble

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Tw// swearing, somewhat abuse, mentions of alcohol and gambling, mentions of killing/murder

This is can have more flirting and mentions of murder/blood.

This has: Awesamponk, Skephalo, Dreamnotfound/gream

Ponk memorized the way back to base but he couldn't stop thinking about Sam.

"I want to go back and help him." Ponk thought

That's when he heard a car horn. He turned around and saw Fundy, waving at him.

"Come on Ponk!" Fundy said, trying to smile.

Ponk ran up to the vehicle and got in.

Fundy turned the car around and headed to the base.

Ponk looked down. "Are we able to get Sam?"

Fundy shook his head. "I'm sorry we can't, he's technically part of our group but I want to make sure that Tubbo and Ranboo aren't giving us wrong information, since they are really good friends with Tommy. So I'm not sure if they are lying or not, so Sam helps us."

Ponk looked at Fundy, "They found out."

Fundy was surprised and confused. "What do you mean?"

Ponk started tearing up. "I- Exposed him-"

Fundy abruptly slammed on the brakes, "What?"

Ponk looked at Fundy, "I'm sorry, I injured him because I thought he was actually part of the Smiles. However I tried to patch him up when I remembered that he was part of our group and I-"

Fundy cutted him off. "Hey, it's ok. But let's talk with Niki about this, she can help us."

Ponk nodded.

Back with Dream and Sam

"Dream stop!" Sam cried, trying to hold back his tears.

Dream looked at Sam. "Tell me each members roles."

Sam looked at Dream. "Fine! Just don't hurt me more."

Dream stared at Sam. "Go ahead I'm listening."

Sam looked down and gave a sigh.

"Fundy is leader"

Dream slapped Sam, "Well obviously! Give me more information of the others" Sam gave a small cry of pain.

Bad walked in. "Sorry for disturbing you but, we have a bit of a problem."

Dream turned around. "What happened now?"

Bad took out a hair clip. "Someone took something from our Arsenal, they left something behind though."

Dream took the hair clip out of Darryl's hand (My name and Bad's real name) and smiled, "Well it looks like you are in more trouble Sam."

Sam looked at the hair clip in Dream's hand.

"Tubbo." he thought.

Dream brought up his gun to Sam's face. "You know who does this belong to?"

Sam nodded, "Tubbo." he said.

Dream smiled and turned to Bad. "Tell the others that we're going on a little 'trip'"

Bad nodded, "Ok!" then he ran out of the room.

Dream looked at Sam. "I won't hurt you more, but I rather have you alive."

Sam tilted his head. "Why?"

Dream grabbed Sam's chin (Not in a romantic way you guys-) "It's to bribe them stupid." then he pushed Sam to the ground, making him hit the wall of the room, making him whimper in pain.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now