Chapter 4: Meeting A6d

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Tw?// a bit suggestive, mentions of seggs (I think-)
Tw// swearing

Ships: Skephalo, awesamponk

"You look familiar." Sam said, looking at the other male behind them.

The other male laughed. "The nickname's A6d, you can also call me Vincent."

Ponk looked at him. "How can we trust you?"

A6d gave a small laugh. "I help the Smiles and Scars. Couldn't really do it if it wasn't for Zak and Darryl" (Skeppy's and Badboyhalo's real name)

Sam looked at him. "Well what do you do?"

A6d sort of shrugged. "I try to exchange information from both groups, but usually it's just Skeppy flirting with Bad."

Ponk looked at him. "What do you mean by 'flirting'?"

A6d avoided eye contact, "That's a question I can not answer, however, we should get going." he took out something that looked like a disc and he threw it to the ground.

Sam looked at the disc-like object with interest. "What is this?"

A6d didn't say anything, except only said, "Just follow me." and stepped on the object.

He teleported somewhere.

Sam and Ponk looked at each other, Ponk stepped on the object and teleported too, Sam was right behind him, leaving behind a note he wrote literally during the drama in the base.

They ended up in a house.

"Well, welcome to my house you two!" A6d said, when they both arrived.

Sam and Ponk were astonished by his house, it was partially high tech, "This is pretty cool!" Sam said, "Did you build part of it?" he then asked.

A6d kinda shrugged, "I helped but if I did the actual building, I probably would've died from something falling on me." he laughed.

Sam laughed a bit too. "I see."

Ponk looked at the two talking to each other, he felt jealously growing in him.

Sam turned around and saw Ponk was becoming jealous, "Ponky jealous?~" he teasingly poked Ponk's face.

Ponk blushed and turned away from Sam, trying to avoid eye contact. "I am not!"

A6d chuckled. "Mhm sure."

Ponk started blushing more. "I-I'm not jealous!"

Sam laughed, "Oh fine." he gave Ponk a kiss on the cheek.

Ponk turned away in embarrassment. "I- Hate you."

Sam smiled a bit, "Love you too cutie!" he said teasingly.

A6d looked at them. "Geez, get a room you two."

"Vincent! Where in the world did you-" someone said running up behind him.

The male stopped midsentence and looked at Sam and Ponk. "Vincent who are they."

Vincent turned around, "Ant, this is Sam and Ponk, they are part of the Scars." his eyes looked at them both. "Ponk, this is Antfrost, he's my second roommate."

Ponk looked at A6d. "Second?"

Antfrost nodded. "His first roommate is my boyfriend, I moved in when we got together."

"Ant what is taking so long for you-"

Ponk looked at the slightly taller male that just walked in. "You must be Ant's boyfriend!"

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now