Chapter 16: Pronounce dead or peace treaty?

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TW// mentions of scars/scratches, swearing, (Sexual?) harassment (?)
Ships: DNF, mentions 5undy

Smiles base, the next day

Tommy's POV

I glanced at the pin that Tubbo dropped as an 'end' to our friendship. It was a flag. When we were younger, us two and Wilbur made up a fake country called L'manburg. It was really a memory of our childhood.

"Tommy? Am I allowed to go in?" Deo asked me from the other side of the door.

"Yes." I replied. He entered the room with a bowl with something inside of it.

Deo looked at me, "You didn't eat at all yet, so I thought I might bring something for you." He looked a bit guilty. Probably because he thinks he's the reason why Tubbo's in the hospital?

I looked back at him. "You didn't have to Deo."

He looked away, like he disagreed with me.

He placed the bowl on the nightstand near me. "I'll see you later Tommy."

"You can stay, I won't mind." I told him.

Deo shook his head, "I need to... Do something." He left the room.

I guess he needed to do something. I looked at the bowl and grabbed it off the nightstand. Seeing that it was chicken soup made me slightly more happy, for a reason I can't even explain.

I easily figured out who made it. Bad has a lot of knowledge when it comes to cooking so I makes since to me that he made this, Everyone in the house is good at cooking but Bad is easily the best.

I carefully drank a bit of the soup it was still warm, and I had to be careful with it, so I don't spill anything.

Dream then walked in the room. "Tommy?"

I placed the bowl back on the nightstand. "Yes?"

He looked tried, was he up all night? "Is it okay if you go to the dining room? We need to talk what's going to happen."

I looked at him with curiosity, "Oh, sure." I replied, getting up.

No one's POV

Dream made everyone, except Bad, discuss everything that happened yesterday at the dining table.

"Dream, you look tired." George said. "You-"

"George, not now." Dream said interrupting him with a sleep voice.

George got up, "We don't need to discuss it until later." He went up to Dream.

Puffy stood up. "I agree, we all are tired anyway."

Dream looked at everyone, 'We need to-" He cut off when he fell onto George, just extremely tired.

"You can talk about other stuff." George said, looking at everyone. "I need to get this idiot to bed." 

It was hard to understand everyone now since they just went back to arguing.

George looked back at Dream. "Come on Dream, let's get you to bed."

Dream shook his head. "It's fine George."

George looked at Dream, a bit disappointed. "Dream, you need sleep."

Dream gripped George. "No..."

George looked at Dream's neck, "Wait, why are there scars on your neck?" He rubbed the scars and felt scabs.

"No reason." Dream said, releasing George and looking away.

"Who did it?"

"No one." Dream responded. He started looking at his own fiancé, trying to smile.

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