Chapter 19: The Blood was Drawn

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TW// injuries and scratches, death, swearing
Ships: bits of 5undy and Skephalo, implied awesamponk

 "Remember, I'm only helping just because i don't like Dream's group." Wilbur said, when they arrived.

"Know that." Techno said, "Find it funny since, I'm his group." He watched out the window. "Isn't that Ranboo?"

"It- is, isn't that Punz as well." Wilbur said.

"Well, we got ourselves another invasion in our hands." Techno said, getting up.

Dream burst through the door, blood all over his blindfold covering his right eye. "Why weren't you helping!? We just lost about 4 people! Probably more!"

"Hm, never thought I had asked Dream." Techno laughed. He took out his sword that was around his waist. "If you want, you can be dead?"

"Techno, this is not time for being sarcastic and all of that!" Dream yelled. "We could have another dead on our hands!"

Techno shrugged, "Well, if you do want to be the fucking hero." He slashed his sword Dream's chest. "Then die like one."

Wilbur looked at Techno, in slight amazement on how Techno had no fear going up against his own technical boss.

"Techno, I am not repeating this." Dream coughed a bit. "This is not the time! Everyone's knocked out or injured, I just need help patching them up since they took fucking Ponk!"

"Well, if they decide to take everyone that is 'vital' to us, then just ask to make peace?" Techno said, placing his sword, blade down, standing next to him.

Dream sighed. "Whatever, can at least you two help me?"

Techno rolled his eyes. "Sure, whatever." 

Dream gave a small sigh, "Alright, I'll be helping our ally and our group, see you." He left the room.

"So much for making us help him." Wilbur said.

"Yep." Techno put back his sword where it originally was. "Let's go Wilbur."

Wilbur quickly got up and untied his semi long, brown hair.

They both hurried to find people, spilt and going their separate ways, but they both agreed to meet up again later.

"Wil!" Fundy called. He ran up to Wilbur and hugged him. "You're alright!"

Wilbur looked down at Fundy, his long-ish hair messed up. "Fundy? Your arms-"

"I was trying to fend off Purpled's acid, painful." Fundy explained. He let go of Wilbur and turned around.

"Fundy, what are you looked at?" Wilbur looked in the direction where he was looking.

"Haha, thanks Purpled for taking 5up." Fundy finally said.

That's when Wilbur noticed the bits of wiped up purple acid on the floor, along with blood.

"I heard they also took Ponk and Ranboo." Wilbur told Fundy, cautious.

"Yeah, I don't think Sam is happy too." Fundy gave a small laugh.

"Yeah." Wilbur turned around. "I'm going to see if Ponk left bandages behind.

"Alright, I'll see if anything was stolen." Fundy said.

"See you Fundy." Wilbur walked away.

"Bye!" Fundy called and he checked the room nearby.

Wilbur sighed, "Still confused how he cares about 5up still." He walked to where Sam was. And he just guessed where he was.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now