Chapter 12: Day 2

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TW// swearing, mentions of NSFW??? (If you get offended easily or something-), kidnapping, injury/cuts

Ships: 5undy, Awesamponk,

The next day

"Ponk! Ponk wake up!"

"Sam, I'm trying to sleep!" Ponk grumbled, he rolled to the left.

"Sorry Ponky!" Sam said. "Fundy wants to do a meeting."

Ponk rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Meeting? At this hour? What time is it?"

Sam checked the clock in their room. "It's 6:00 am?"

"Why does Fundy want a meeting?" Ponk asked, slowly getting up.

"I don't know." Sam answered. "You want me to tell him that you're tired?"

Ponk got up, "It's fine I can-" he cut off mid-sentence since he was tired and layed his head on Sam's shoulder.

Sam chuckled. "I'll let you sleep darling."

Ponk didn't respond, he just gave a light snore.

"Still tired after staying up until 11:00 again." Sam thought, a sad smile going over his face. He gently put Ponk on the bed and went over to where the others were.

"Where's Ponk?" jack said, surprisingly sounding wide awake.

"Fell asleep on me when I woke him up." Sam said.

Fundy shrugged, "He did stay up until 11:00" he glanced at Tubbo and Ranboo.

Eret just was on their phone until they saw something a bit strange. "Uh Ranboo? Tubbo?"

They both turned towards Eret, "Yeah?" they said at the same time, then laughed a bit.

"Tommy Dm'd me?" Eret said, confused.

Ranboo got up. "Can I see?"

Eret nodded and handed Ranboo the phone.

As Ranboo was reading the Dms, Fundy questioned Tubbo. "Did you give Tommy anyone's account username?"

Tubbo quickly shook his head. "No! I would never do that!"

Ranboo looked at the Dms again. "This- This doesn't look like Tommy typed this in my opinion."

"Huh?" Fundy said. "Is it okay if I look Eret?"

Eret nodded and Ranboo handed him the phone.

Tommy 4:00 am:
Hey Eret! Big man! Or woman- FU-
Just asking a question: Do you have advice to get a woman? (⌐■_)
I need advice on how to get a woman
Please Eret I need help.

"It kinda does sound like he didn't type this." Fundy said, handing back Eret's phone to him. "But at the same time, he could've typed it."

Fundy sighed. "Let's get back to the topic we're supposed to walk about."

"The fact that you and 5up were cuddling?" Schlatt said, hiding a smile.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Sam and Wilbur said at the same time. Everyone looked at Fundy astonished.

"It's true, I saw it." Schlatt said, laughing shortly after.

"H-Hey! Why were you spying on us anyway?!" Fundy said, partially embarrassed.

"I wanted to ask you something." Schlatt said. He gave a smile. "But I think you were busy."

5up was now downstairs, "What's happening?" he said, rubbing his eyes.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now