Chapter 22: Everything is now all about luck, death, and choice

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[TW// swearing, injury, and mentions of technical torture (Near the end)
Ships: 5undy and Skephalo ]

Foolish's POV

Looking around the same room that I keep getting put in is now driving me nuts. The amount of times I have to be 'beaten into submission' is getting ridiculous and defying the 'treaty'.

Doesn't make things better that Callahan is gone for a bit with a gunshot wound and Alyssa, I have no idea what happened to her after arguing with Punz, just hope that she's alright, and Slimecicle doesn't want to risk being hurt, which I understand. Just glad everything that happened is better than what could've happened...

Punz opened the door and walked in, "Hi Foolish." Their voice already made me nervous what their going to do.

 I hesitated to answer. "He-Hey-"

Now noticing something in their hand, I started backing away. 

"Aw, What's wrong Foolish?" Punz said, coming closer to my face.

"Get away from me!" I yelled, trying to cover my face.

Punz pulled down my arms from my face. "No need to panic, Noah, I won't hurt you."

I didn't even try to fight; I know it would make thing worse for me since Punz decided to call me by my real name. "What are you doing then?"

Punz clicked something around my neck, "You'll find out." They backed away from me, taking out ... remote?

"Punz, what are you even trying to do?!" I shouted, not even understanding what their doing.

"Just be quiet Foolish, I'm just testing it out." Punz said, fiddling a bit with the remote.

"Testing wha- AH-" A sharp shock just came through, now I understand what was around my neck.

"Oh, still works." Punz said, a bit amused.

"Was injuring me with fists, acid and daggers not good enough for you?!" I shouted, trying not to show any sort of 'power'.

Punz smiled, "Well, when you say it like that, no." They turned the voltage a bit more higher.

Even though I have experienced shocks like this, it was still difficult not to scream, let alone not show pain or tears.

All I wanted now was mercy, "Punz, please!" I begged. "Stop!"

"Thought you would gain some sort of tolerance to electric shocks by this point." Punz said.

"Yeah, and I only have lived for about 26 years." I replied, not trying to get them into my head.

"Mhm." Punz turned off the collar, which was a relief. "Me and Hannah decided that we'll let you visit Callahan, but only this time."

"Really?!" I was excited but still unsure if they were saying the truth.

"Yes, but you say nothing about what we do to you to anyone, alright?" Punz said. "I'm not dealing with the Police. As well, cover your neck, so you don't show the burns."

I nodded. "How long would I stay?"

"About an hour or two, depends on what time we arrive." Punz said, They got up. "I'll get something for you to cover your neck, I'll let you out as well."

Even though Iw as excited, I know I have to be cautious, "Alright, so we're going now?" I asked, slowly, and carefully, getting up.

"Yeah." Punz went to the door, opened it and went to find something to cover my neck. I followed, just in case I needed to follow.

"Hey Foolish!" Slimecicle said. "Are you alright?"

I gave a small laugh, "I'm alright Slimecicle, thanks for asking though." I placed my hand on the side of my neck as an attempt to cover the burns.

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