Chapter 5: Secrets are out

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Tw// a bit suggestive, mentions of kidnapping, swearing
Ships: awesamponk, a bit of skephalo, 5undy (Finally-)

As the green light came on and Skeppy continued driving, Sam and Ponk could tell he was avoiding the question.

"You're with him aren't you?" Ponk said.

Skeppy pulled over the car, then looked over at Ponk. "What?"

Ponk looked right at him. "You heard me."

Skeppy looked at him, them at Sam, then down. He took a breath. "You got me." he said, admitting the accusation, he started back up the car and went back on the road.

Ponk and Sam looked at each other, then at Skeppy, in disbelief.

They arrived at the base about 5 minutes later.

"You do realize that this will cause chaos if you are together with him," Sam said as he was getting out of the car. "Fundy or Dream may kill one of you two!"

Skeppy looked at Sam and clamped a hand over his mouth.

"I know, that's why I'm keeping it a secret." he said, then removing his hand from Sam's mouth.

"Keeping what a secret?" Fundy said, walking up to them.

Skeppy, Ponk and Sam looked at each other, "Nothing." Skeppy said.

Fundy eyed him, "Alright." he said, a bit suspicious. "Let's just go inside, together, before someone else gets kidnapped."

Sam nodded and took Ponk's hand while Fundy and Skeppy were walking to the door, Sam and Ponk behind them.

When they went inside, Wilbur saw them. "Hey Fundy, I think Schlatt needs help with 5up."

Fundy looked at Wilbur. "What happened?"

"5up attacked me so Schlatt had to step in." Wilbur said, showing the injuries that 5up gave him.

Ponk looked at him, concerned. "Yeah, let's get you patched up."

Wilbur refused the offer. "It's fine Ponk, you've been through a lot, you don't need to help me-"

Fundy cut Wilbur off, and looked at him. "Just let Ponk help."

Wilbur looked at him, "Alright." he got up.

Ponk smiled. "Alright let's go! Sam you can help too!"

Sam walked with them as they were heading towards Wilbur's room.

Fundy looked at Skeppy. "I think TapL needs help with building the mechanisms."

Skeppy nodded, "Alright!" he ran over to where TapL was, which is the attic.

Fundy sighed and went to where they were keeping 5up.

With 5up and Schlatt

"Alright, enough. You are cheating." Schlatt said, slamming his cards on the ground.

5up smiled. "Maybe I am. maybe I'm not. Now hand me back my fucking knife."

Schlatt looked at him. "No."

5up tried to get back his knife by trying to hit Schlatt's arm to make him drop it, but Schlatt dodged it.

"Schlatt take the knife with you , let me watch him." Fundy said, arriving where Schlatt and 5up were playing cards. "As well as take back those cards."

Schlatt looked at 5up then at Fundy. "Alright." he ehaded out the door, taking 5up's knife, as well as his deck of cards.

5up tried then to attack Fundy, but only got a shove to the ground.

Fundy looked at the white-ish haired male. "Stupid of you to attack me like that."

5up gave a small smile, he wanted to flirt with Fundy, which he did (You know that is a very bad idea 5up but ok-)

"Well, I rather, you know attack somewhere else. like maybe that ass of yours?" 5up said.

Fundy looked at 5up. "What?!"

5up got up. "You heard me pretty boy."

Fundy blushed slightly. "What about YOU shut the fuck up and sit back down." he said.

5up gave a smile, "Why should I?" he pinned Fundy to the wall.

Fundy kicked him, causing him to fall to the ground, "Don't try that again, you little motherfucker." he took out some rope.

5up still kept on flirting with him anyway. "I won't fuck your mom, except, maybe you." he gave a small laugh.

Fundy looked away, "Alright. If you want to, the answer is no." he turned back to 5up and tied his wrists.

"Treating me like a toy?~ Come on fuck me if you are doing this to me." 5up said, trying to hold down his laughter.

Fundy stared at him.

5up laughed. "Aw, Floris needing to blush?~"

Fundy took out a handkerchief, "No calling me that." he said harshly, " I swear, you never really shut up don't you?" he tied the handkerchief around 5up's mouth.

5up shook his head in response.

Fundy looked at him and was satisfied on how 5up was tied up, "Lights out." he said.

Fundy started walking out the room until 5up said something. "Come on, don't leave me~" Fundy turned around.

He saw that 5up somehow managed to take off the handkerchief. "How?"

5up smiled. "That's for me to know and you to figure out."

Fundy shook his head, "Alright, I'll take you to my room. I now can't even trust you alone." he went over and untied 5up.

Eret walked in, "hey Fundy, it's like 11pm, you should sleep." they looked at 5up. "Maybe just knock him out or something."

Fundy shrugged. "I'm just going to take him to my room to keep an eye on him."

Eret looked at 5up, "Alright, here, I'll help you." they picked up 5up.

Fundy smiled, "Thanks Eret." he laughed a bit, "Let's go." he walked to his room.

Eret was right behind him, carrying a wild 5up (BAHAHA I'M SORRY-)

It didn't take them long to reach Fundy's room (I mean yeah, they're in a house, it's not like Fundy's homeless-)

"Just place him over there Eret." Fundy said, pointing to a blanket on the ground.

Eret looked at it, "Alright." he dropped 5up there (officer I drop kicked that person in self defense)

"Ow! Hey!" 5up yelled, then turning around to face Eret.

Eret shrugged, "See you in the morning!" he walked out the room.

Fundy looked at 5up "Sleep." he went on his bed, next to 5up.

5up loked at Fundy, trying to peacefully sleep. "Fine, I'll sleep." he thought.

They both dozed off, then went to fell asleep.

Sorry about the chapter ending like this, I've been running out of ideas lately, so I wanted to end the chapter and go to the Smiles POV. Sorry about this :')

-Unbreakable 10/6/2021

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