Chapter 18: Alliance with the enemy

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TW// injuries, swearing
Ships: Implied 5undy, ranbbo, platonic deoinnit

"Alright, war on HPS?" Dream repeated.

Fundy slowly nodded. "Yeah..."

"Last thing," Sam said, "5up." He glanced at 5up, leaning on Fundy's side. "He's been a bit-"

"Clingy towards him?" Dream completed.

"He'll be fine." Wilbur mumbled.

5up looked at Fundy and let go of him suddenly.

"5up?" Fundy said.

"Nothing." 5up responded quickly.

"Well, it's okay as they haven't done anything 'weird'." Ranboo said, trying to get his mind distracted from Tubbo's death.

"We don't have to talk about this." Dream said avoiding the subject.

Tommy walked up to them. "Uh I have a question."

Dream turned to face Tommy. "Yes Tommy?"

Tommy inhaled. 'Do you know where Tubbo is?"

Ranboo looked at away, he hugged Sam, which surprised him. Sam looked at Tommy as everyone else sat in silence. "Well-"

Tommy noticed Fundy was about to cry. "Fundy? Is something wrong?"

"Tommy." Dream went up to Tommy and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Tubbo's-" He hesitated. "Dead..."

Tommy blinked. "What?..."

"You were unconscious when it happened." Fundy explained, just finished holding back tears. "Tubbo died from a dagger that was in his neck for about 10 minutes, I'm sorry Tommy."

Tommy looked at Fundy, then Dream, "Who killed him?!" He burst out in tears.

Deo came, running, he looked at Tommy. "You found out, didn't you?"

Tommy hugged Deo. "Yeah..."

There was a gunshot, "Purpled!" Was what followed next.

Tommy didn't react, as Sam got up. "I'll check."

He went to where the gunshot came from and saw Purpled, with a gunshot wound in his leg, and Slimecicle, trying to find something to patch it up, "Are you two alright?" Sam asked.

"Where's Punz and Hannah?" Slimecicle asked.

Sam was puzzled, Punz and Hannah left about 13 minutes ago. "You two came with them?"

"Yeah?" Purpled said, "Wait, did they already leave?" Him and Slime looked at each other.

"Yeah." Sam said. "Here, let me get Ponk to help you with that gunshot wound for you."

Slime gave a nod. "Just hurry."

Sam gave a nod back and called for Ponk while running to find them. "Ponk!"

"How could you trust him?!" Purpled told Slime. "He's part of the scars!"

"And does the Smiles, or our group, have a medic?" Slimecicle responded, unamused.

"No?-" Purpled answered.

"Exactly, the Scars have a medic, since he used to be a doctor I'm pretty sure, or has a medical degree, and we don't." Slimecicle said. "Let alone the Smiles."

"I see now." Purpled looked at his leg. "Let's just hope they-"

"Alright, who's the injured one?" Ponk said behind them.

Slimecicle pointed at Purpled, "Him." He backed away.

"Shot where?" Ponk asked, looking at Purpled.

"Leg." Purpled showed where.

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