About 3 years later...

151 3 3

Looks like I forgot to post the last chapter lol-
Two chapters it looks like >:D

[Entry 1, first writing]
{Floris's Journal}

Found an old journal so I thought I might just use it to write down what's been happening.
It's been about 2 years since HPS disbanded, it was a bit of a surprise hearing about it since I never thought it would happen. Probably since of what had happened, I was suspicious, same as the other members.
But now they had disbanded, things have calmed down, only a few people moved out in the past 3 years. Skeppy and Bad moved out about 4 months ago since they wanted to live off with Antfrost and Velvet. Ranboo just went to live with the Smiles, mostly to be with Tommy.
For the HPS members, only Foolish, Calahan and Alyssa moved out. Wasn't a surprised since of the trauma, but they moved with the Smiles.
The Smiles did lose members, since a few of them wanted to do anymore crime. All I know that Niki and Puffy opted to leave the group and move out as well.
There was a saying that Technoblade will move out but would stay in the group but it's okay, I guess.
5up and I did get engaged, and I didn't propose so it was a bit of a shocker for Wilbur, but he grew to like 5up so it's okay. I'm really glad that he's been getting a bit better since demoting or ignoring him could've caused problems.
Wilbur and Jschlatt have been way more flirty but its Wilbur and Jschlatt, so you can't really know.
TapL have had Eret help him build stuff, so it's a bit of a wholesome working together. Jack have been helping too, so the rest of us hearing bits of laughter in the attic is becoming more of our daily routine.
The relationships between the groups has been getting way more better, and I'm grateful for it.

We're supposed to be enemies| Mafia/Assassin AU | 5undyWhere stories live. Discover now